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2 janvier 2018

How serious is essay plagiarism?

The Guardian homeIn an age of online referencing and essay mills, it’s easier than ever for students to plagiarise (wittingly or not). How big is the problem – and can it be prevented. More...

2 janvier 2018

Coping With Plagiarism

HomeAs long as students put off doing writing assignments until almost too late, do not study the course material as well as they should, have low confidence in their academic abilities, settle for doing less than their best in their schoolwork and just don’t feel like putting out the effort and instead grub for grades, there will be plagiarism. More...

26 novembre 2017

Plagiarism is rife in academia, so why is it rarely acknowledged?

The Guardian homeWhen a professor ripped off my work in a journal, they escaped unpunished. How can we expect academic originality from students if we don’t uphold it. More...

26 novembre 2017

Carrot or the stick? Technology and university plagiarism

The ConversationTrying to control and prevent plagiarism is a problem for all universities, and nearly all universities these days use some kind of technology to combat it. More...
26 novembre 2017

Fabricating and plagiarising: when researchers lie

The ConversationThere are a few things you might need for an experiment involving beagles and the side effects of contraceptive pills. Animal research ethics aside, beagles might be a good start.
Sadly, one researcher at Deakin in the 1970s didn’t think so. Michael Briggs fabricated and published his data and the deception was only admitted in the mid-1980s. It seems in Australia we could be about to see another case of the beagle that didn’t bark - with one researcher facing fraud charges in court today. More...
26 novembre 2017

Buying essays: how to make sure assessment is authentic

The ConversationUniversities have complex processes to discover when students cheat. They apply those processes to a range of assessments, particularly to discover plagiarism. However, there is a clear answer if universities want to ensure that all students do their own work – and that’s by changing to what educators call authentic assessment. More...
26 novembre 2017

Feeding the beast: why plagiarism rips off readers too

The ConversationBy now you’ve likely heard about psychiatrist and columnist Tanveer Ahmed’s recent opinion piece in The Australian in which he effectively blamed radical feminism for domestic violence. More...
26 novembre 2017

Policing won’t be enough to prevent pay-for plagiarism

The ConversationRecently, it was revealed that high school students in NSW are buying essays made-to-order online for little more than A$100. University assignments can be more expensive, costing up to $1000 from the controversial (and now-defunct) MyMaster website. More...
26 novembre 2017

Policing plagiarism could make universities miss the real problems

The ConversationPlagiarism regularly makes the headlines and universities are under pressure to tackle the problem decisively. More...
26 novembre 2017

Dishonest academics may make students think plagiarism is acceptable

The ConversationUniversities are constantly implementing new measures to stop student plagiarism. Students learn how to correctly cite sources and receive copies of the institution’s academic integrity code. They are helped with their academic writing skills, particularly if the language of instruction is not the same as their first language. More...
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