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20 mars 2017

Filles et garçons en STAPS Educpros de Didier Delignières. La Conférence des Directeurs et Doyens de STAPS a récemment mené une enquête sur les effectifs filles et garçons dans ses filières[1]. Les résultats, présentés dans les figures illustrant cet article, font apparaître une nette sur-représentation masculine. Voir l'article...
19 mars 2017

Women and Islam: A Topic that Troubles

By Ursula Lindsey. Any debate over the status of women in Islam is complicated, enormously sensitive and often politicized. One question at universities in the Arab world is whether one can apply a sociological, historical or gendered perspective to religion. More...

18 mars 2017

I thought I'd never come out as gay – but university changed my mind

The Guardian homeBy. Even in this day and age, coming out is daunting. Fortunately for me, university proved more tolerant than the kids at my old school. More...

18 mars 2017

L’Université Paris-Saclay agit pour l’égalité femmes-hommes

The ConversationBy . « Sexisme : pas notre genre ! », proclament ensemble les membres de l’Université Paris-Saclay, cette semaine et le reste de l’année. Déjà investis, depuis de nombreuses années, dans une politique en faveur de l’égalité femmes-hommes, ses différents établissements multiplient les actions. Pour la deuxième semaine de l’égalité de l’UPSaclay, ils ont choisi de s’attaquer au sexisme ordinaire. More...

18 mars 2017

Why LGBTQ inclusivity still matters in higher education

The ConversationBy  and . If you don’t identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, asexual, pansexual, queer or questioning, the chances are you almost certainly know someone who does – it might be a friend, a cousin, a niece, an uncle or a colleague. And you might even consider yourself an “ally” to the LGBTQ community – someone who speaks out if they witness discrimination or derogatory remarks. More...

18 mars 2017

How microfinance reduces gender inequality in developing countries

The ConversationBy  and . An increase in the proportion of women accessing microfinance services by just 15% could potentially reduce gender inequality, as measured by the Gender Inequality Index, by half in the average developing nation. The finding comes from a recent study published in Applied Economics Letters that also found that cultural characteristics can influence this relationship. More...

18 mars 2017

A Day Without A Woman

By University of Venus. In higher education, women are 44 percent of full-time faculty members, and anywhere between 51 and 62 percent of contingent faculty. Additionally, women faculty, and particularly scholars of color,  provide the bulk of service work and emotional labor in academia. More...

13 mars 2017

Transgender Protections Withdrawn

HomeBy Andrew Kreighbaum. Administration rescinds guidelines that said Title IX applied to discrimination based on gender identity. Guidelines had been used by transgender students to push for policy changes. Read more...

13 mars 2017

Feds to Issue New Guidance on Trans Students

HomeBy Andrew Kreighbaum. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that the Trump administration will issue new guidance on Title IX protections for transgender students. Read more...

13 mars 2017

Student Affairs Groups Criticize Lifting of Protections for Transgender Students

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Two national student affairs groups on Thursday issued statements criticizing the Trump administration for rescinding guidance from the Obama administration that said federal anti-bias laws cover gender identity. Read more...

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