By Dirk Van Damme. It is well known that the share of women in the teaching force is growing. According to the latest Education Indicators in Focus brief, the average share of female teachers across OECD countries increased from 61% in 2005 to 65% in 2010 and to 68% in 2014, in all education levels combined. More...
Women in the Judiciary: What solutions to advance gender-responsive and gender-diverse justice systems?
In recent decades, the number of women in the judiciary has significantly increased worldwide. In many countries around half of law students are women, and 2014 data shows that women in OECD countries make up more than 54% of professional judges. More...
Female breadwinners sweep the crumbs, too
It’s 11:00 on Saturday morning. Both you and your partner had exhausting weeks at work, and so far the day has been spent preparing and cleaning up breakfast, wrangling children out of pyjamas and into real clothes, and running to the store for yogurt and bananas. Your kids are finally playing quietly with Lego bricks in the living room. More...
Gender-balance in Parliaments: An indispensable condition for more democratic and sustainable societies
The 2015 OECD Recommendation of the Council on Gender Equality in Public Life is unique and innovative as it covers executives but also parliaments and judiciaries with clear, timely and actionable guidelines. More...
Gender equality in West Africa: Actions speak louder than words
Respect of the fundamental rights of women and girls remains a serious, sometimes life-threatening, concern in many developing countries. Several decades of gender debates, special events and development goals dedicated to the empowerment of women, add up to only modest improvements on the ground. More...
EWORA: Survey for female leaders in higher education
The European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) has launched a survey on leadership for active and former female rectors and vice rectors.
The survey would help EWORA define its future activities. It aims to collect experiences, perceptions and expectations of women in leadership positions across Europe. More...
Improving gender equality in research organisations
Taking its cues from the practical guide on “Improving Gender Equality in Research Organisations,” which was issued by Science Europe on the occasion of the event, discussions centred on how to avoid unconscious bias in peer review processes; how to monitor gender equality; and how to improve grant management practices. More...
Female university leadership in Europe
EUA has updated its latest data on women in leadership positions in Europe’s universities. The results show that in the 47 countries with EUA members, only 12% of all rectors are female.
On a related note, the European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) has launched a survey on leadership for active and former female rectors and vice rectors. The survey results will be published in May. EWORA is dedicated to promoting the role of women in leadership positions in the academic sector and advocating gender equality in higher education and research at European and international scales. More...
L’université de Tel Aviv inaugure des toilettes «neutres»
Par Le Figaro Etudiant. Pour le président du «Comité pour l’égalité des genres» de l’université, ces toilettes répondent à un réel besoin, au-delà de la portée symbolique. En revanche, tous les étudiants ne sont pas pour.
Une nouvelle université vient d’inaugurer des toilettes «neutres». Ces lieux d’aisances unisexes, qui permettent aux hommes, aux femmes et aux personnes transgenres de s’y rendre sans distinction, se sont multipliés récemment dans les universités nord-américaines. Mais c’est à l’université de Tel Aviv, en Israël, qu’elles ont récemment fait leur apparition. Voir l'article...
Une université galloise fait polémique en imposant des expressions de genre «neutre»
Par Aude Bariéty. Ne dites plus «fireman» («pompier»), «housewife» («femme au foyer») ou «gentleman’s agreement» («accord entre hommes d’honneur»)... Ces trois expressions courantes, comme 31 autres, n’ont désormais plus droit de cité à la Cardiff Metropolitan University, rapporte la BBC. Préférez plutôt «firefighter», «homemaker» et «unwritten agreement». Voir l'article...