Au niveau des études et du marché du travail, les femmes sont encore loin d’être les égales des hommes. Voir l'article...
Une publication de l’Insee fait le point sur les inégalités entre femmes et hommes aujourd’hui en France. L’ouvrage propose d’abord une vue d’ensemble sur les parcours des femmes et des hommes aux différents âges de la vie et les inégalités qui en découlent, avec un regard sur les régions. Différents aspects des inégalités entre femmes et hommes sont décrits : l’accès des femmes aux catégories cadres et cadres encadrants en début de vie active, les écarts de pension de retraite entre les deux sexes en Europe, le traitement judiciaire différencié de la délinquance des femmes et des hommes, les stéréotypes de genre.
Insee Références, Femmes et hommes, l’égalité en question, mars 2017, 192 p.
By Terri Macdonald. At 57% of our total membership and as a similar proportion in the sector, NTEU has always had a significant interest in issues affecting women workers and has devoted specific resources to pursuing these issues. Indeed we view and review all our work through the ‘gender lens’. More...
By Terri Macdonald. The NTEU Women's Action Committee (WAC) took time out from teh first of their two meetings this year to attend the national trade union rally on March 9, giving support to our fellow unionists whose jobs are threatened by the Federal Government's attacks on job security, wages, workplace safety and workers rights. More...
By Terri Macdonald. This year the United Nation's IWD theme is to Empower a woman, empower a nation. Together we can empower women across the globe. This year, the UN is drawing attention to the challenges women and girls face - particularly around gender equality, reproductive rights, access to health care and a right to an education and meaningful employment. It also highlights the need for more women in leadership - be it in their local communities or nationally. More...
By Paul Clifton. The QUTE Caucus was first set up within the NTEU in 2002 and re-invigorated within the Victorian Division some years later. The purpose of the QUTE Caucus is to develop networks between members within the LGBTIQ communities and foster opportunities for action within the Union and broader labour movement and community. More...
By Jeannie Rea. Women still do not have the same opportunities in life because we are gendered women; and men do have greater opportunities compared to women of their class, race, religion, ethnicity, locality, age, ability, and virtually any other measure. Many individual women, and even groups of women, are better off (albeit at times at the expense of other women), but sex and gender based discrimination and prejudice continue to disadvantage women and advantage men. More...
The International Finance Corporation estimates that approximately 65% of women-led small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing economies are either unserved or underserved financially. More...
In Mali, Niger and Chad, 40% of children under five suffer from stunting. These children do not receive enough nutrients. Their bodies — their brains, bones and muscles — do not get enough calcium, iron or zinc or enough vitamins (A, B2, B12 etc.), so they do not have enough energy to grow and develop. More...