By Anton Crace. EAIE has set up an LGBTQ+ taskforce to advise the organisation on how best to include students, academics and professionals from diverse backgrounds and increase equity and access to education. More...
L'égalité F/H au travail : mission impossible ?
26 février 2019
Où : Amphi T - Rez de Chaussée PNRV (Bâtiment T) - Campus Villejean Rennes 35000
de 9h00 à 11h00, accueil dès 8h45 autour d'un café/thé et viennoiseries.
Cette table ronde est organisée par le Service Formation Continue et le Service Universitaire d’Information d’Orientation et d’Insertion Professionnelle de l'Université Rennes 2
Comment se sensibiliser aux questions d’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes ? Quelles pistes de réflexions et d’actions ? Comment les appliquer au sein de ma structure ?
Pour répondre à ces questions, nous vous invitons à échanger avec différents acteurs et actrices du monde professionnel, du secteur privé et public, spécialistes de l’égalité professionnelle.
Source :
Aus: Rainbow Hub launches LGBTQI video campaign
By Anton Crace. Brisbane’s Rainbow Hub initiative has launched a new video campaign to promote the city as a welcoming destination for LGBTQI+ international students and promote the services available to them. More...
Sexisme. En 2017, 1,2 million de femmes ont subi des injures sexistes
Dans un rapport, le Haut Conseil à l'égalité femmes-hommes (HCEFH) fait le point sur le sexisme en France. Les actes sexistes, de toute nature (propos, viol, meurtre, menaces...) sont massivement commis par des hommes contre des femmes. Toutes infractions pénales confondues, 89 % des victimes sont des femmes et 91 % des mis des cause sont des hommes. En 2017, 1,2 million de femmes ont subi des insultes sexistes.
Source :
‘Man up’ challenged by educational book
By Viggo Stacey. What does it mean to be a man in today’s society? What is an ideal male role model. More...
Whisper Network 2.0
By Colleen Flaherty. Research panels, professional awards, job interviews, networking and "the list"? Female historians circulate a secret document of alleged bad actors during their major annual conference. More...
Schools feature business #WonderWomen
By Claudia Civinini. Three business and management schools have launched an initiative named #WonderWomen celebrating women in leadership in a bid to raise awareness about gender parity in the business world. More...
Gender Parity in Ethiopia: Realities and Hopes
Some progress has been made with regard to the number of women faculty, but the higher education sector still remains one of the areas where significant gender disparity exists. More...
Stephens College Will Admit Some Trans Students
By Scott Jaschik. Many women's colleges, including some of the most prominent ones, started admitting transgender students several years ago. But others have held off. One in the latter group, Stephens College, in Missouri, has now announced that it will admit some transgender women, but will exclude trans men. More...
Justice Dept. Backs Suit Against Iowa Equity Rule
By Scott Jaschik. The U.S. Justice Department in December filed a brief to back a lawsuit by Christian groups against the University of Iowa. The university, as a condition of student groups being recognized, requires them to affirm that they do not discriminate on many measures, including sexual orientation and gender identity. More...