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21 avril 2019

Girls may perform better at school than boys – but their experience is much less happy

The ConversationThe usual discussions about children’s schooling experiences often focus on academic achievement, personal development and school evaluation. Ask a teacher, parent or policy maker what is the most important thing a school should offer and many will say it is education: they want children to develop the knowledge and skills that will help them build a career and grow into successful adults. More...
21 avril 2019

How to involve more women and girls in engineering

The ConversationWomen are just 13 percent of mechanical engineering undergraduate students. And women earn only 14.2 percent of doctorate degrees in mechanical engineering. More broadly, women make up 49 percent of the college-educated workforce, but only 14 percent of practicing engineers nationwide. More...
21 avril 2019

Keeping girls at school may reduce teenage pregnancy and STIs – but sex education doesn’t

The ConversationWorldwide, more than 65m adolescent girls have no access to school. And it’s not just poorer countries that suffer from bad education. In the UK, one in five young people don’t complete post-16 education, making it one of the worst performing countries in league tables measuring how well young people are educated. More...
21 avril 2019

Why gay-straight alliance clubs could sway the Alberta election

The ConversationWith an Alberta election ahead next week, party leaders are declaring their positions. A topic that has captured headlines in recent weeks involves an unlikely focus — namely, school clubs that support students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/two-spirited, queer and others (LGBTQ+). More...
21 avril 2019

Ban leggings on campus? Ludicrous – wearing leggings allows women to move like superheroes

The ConversationI’m writing this at my office computer wearing leggings and a short skirt. I wear the leggings because I ride my bike to work and they keep my legs warm. I add the skirt when I get to the office because most here would consider leggings alone inappropriate work attire for a middle-aged academic administrator. More...
20 avril 2019

Chicago’s New Black Lesbian Mayor and the Power/Privilege/Oppression Paradigm

By Eboo Patel. Does the power, privilege and oppression paradigm actually hurt the people it is supposed to be helping. More...

20 avril 2019

Women Leaving Premed Track More Than Men

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. A new study found female students are more likely to drop out of science courses leading up to med school even if they're earning the same grades as their male counterparts. More...

20 avril 2019

Record Bedevils a Finalist

HomeBy Greg Toppo. After University of Colorado system announces finalist as president, critics note antigay votes when he was in Congress and controversies as leader of University of North Dakota. More...

19 avril 2019

Morehouse Will Start Admitting Transgender Men

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. College -- the only historically black institution for men -- will ask students who transition to become women to leave. More...

19 avril 2019

Morehouse Will Admit Trans Men

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Morehouse College, one of the few remaining all-male colleges and the only one that is historically black, has announced that it will start admitting transgender men. More...

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