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6 juillet 2019

How changing attitudes are closing the gender gap in engineering

The GuardianIn an industry still dominated by men, career satisfaction and rewarding salaries are helping women push for change. More...

6 juillet 2019

Period pain is impacting women at school, uni and work. Let’s be open about it

The ConversationMenstrual symptoms including pain, heavy bleeding and low mood may be linked to nearly nine days of lost productivity per woman every year, according to a new study published in the British Medical Journal this week. More...
6 juillet 2019

Del Orgullo Gay al reconocimiento de las diferencias

The ConversationLos derechos humanos están hechos de una materia tan vulnerable, y que no es otra que la que deriva de nuestra dignidad compartida, que siempre han de merecer una singular atención. More...
6 juillet 2019

El rechazo familiar, principal causa del sinhogarismo entre la comunidad LGBTIQ+

The ConversationSon jóvenes y sufren discriminación múltiple. Se ve con especial claridad en el caso de las mujeres trans, quienes muchas veces acaban ejerciendo la prostitución como única fuente de ingresos viable. Esta y otras conclusiones se extraen de un reciente estudio en el que queda patente que la población LGTBIQ+ sufre en altos porcentajes delitos de odio. More...
6 juillet 2019

Eight LGBTQ-positive children’s books in time for Pride and year-round learning

The ConversationWhat kind of storybooks should be read to children? This question has been contentious — so much so that when I was teaching in a public elementary school in Ontario 10 years ago, certain books were kept in a separate room in the library apart from regular circulation. These were books featuring stories about same-sex families or gender diversity. More...
4 juillet 2019

Shrinking Gender Pay Gap for Presidents

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. A new study finds that the gender pay gap for university presidents -- currently about 9 percent -- in large part disappears at the most elite colleges and universities. More...

4 juillet 2019

Advancing to the Presidency

HomeWomen have now held the presidential office at Brown University, Cornell University, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Chicago, the University of Michigan, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Virginia. More...

14 juin 2019

Edinburgh LGBT+ committee resigns in row over speakers at feminist meeting

The GuardianAll 12 members of Edinburgh University’s staff pride network committee have resigned after accusing the university authorities of “failing to take a stand against transphobic hate on campus”. More...

14 juin 2019

Sonita Alleyne to be first black leader of an Oxbridge college

The GuardianEx-BBC trustee will also be first female head in 500-year history of Jesus College, Cambridge. More...

12 juin 2019

Father’s Day: Involved dads are healthier and happier

The ConversationAs Father’s Day approaches, it’s fitting that we reflect on the impact of child care on families and children. Fathers may want to stay home and raise their children, but it’s often not financially viable. A Pew Research Center study in the U.S. found that dads who work outside the home were just about as likely as moms to say they prefer to be home with their children (48 per cent of dads versus 52 per cent of moms). More...
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