Moins reconnu, moins valorisé, le travail des femmes est de fait moins visible et n’a pas encore acquis une pleine légitimité. Cette étude cible particulièrement celles qui cumulent faibles qualifications, difficultés d’accès ou de retour à l’emploi notamment après une naissance, dans un contexte aggravant d’inégalités de partage des responsabilités familiales avec leur conjoint. Plus...
Canadiens and Canadiennes in uproar as student paper takes stand on gender
Montréal Campus – the student newspaper serving Université du Québec à Montréal – announced in February that it would cease favouring the masculine over the feminine. More...
Gender Equality Policies in Research Institutions: Promoting transformative and sustainable changes, 22 May, Brussels
ERA objectives have stressed the importance of gender equality in research, at the three levels of fostering equality in scientific careers, achieving gender balance in decision making and integrating a gender dimension in research content. More...
In higher ed, women in IT face an uphill battle for leadership roles
At last fall’s EDUCAUSE, four female higher-ed IT leaders offered advice for their colleagues aspiring to leadership roles in IT. The session addressed issues such as conscious and unconscious gender bias, how to identify role models and mentors, and how to build the skills necessary to lead an IT team. More...
Cambridge University criticised for hosting anti-feminist group
The University of Cambridge has been criticised for hosting a self-proclaimed anti-feminist group that staff claim have harassed female academics and make people feel unsafe on campus. More...
Stop scolding men for being ‘toxic’
Men are mentors in program for adolescent boys about healthy relationships and sexuality
Record Number of Women Join Academy of Sciences
By Scott Jaschik. The National Academy of Sciences on Tuesday announced the election of 100 new members and 25 foreign associates. Of those named, 40 percent are women -- a record high. More...
Egalité. Coup de projecteur sur l'association Force Femmes
Créée en 2005, l'association Force Femmes accompagne et soutient les femmes de 45 ans et plus dans leur retour à l'emploi. Elle sensibilise et informe également les entreprises sur les atouts et compétences des femmes qu'elle accompagne et travaille avec les pouvoirs publics sur la mixité et l'intergénérationnel
Source :
Jo Sanders: Bibliography on Gender and Technology in Education

Could be useful, and I carry few enough resources on this topic: "The Bibliography on Gender and Technology in Education has been created by gender equity specialist Jo Sanders. Focusing primarily on information technology, the bibliography is comprehensive as of 2005 and draws on international research as well as intervention literature. More...