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30 août 2019

Offering better labour-market opportunities to all Malaysian women: a win-win strategy

The Malaysian labour market is facing substantial skills imbalances, including shortages in a range of occupations and skills. To tackle these imbalances, the 2019 OECD Economic Survey of Malaysia features a special focus on skills development and on how better labour-market opportunities could be offered to all Malaysian women. More...

30 août 2019

R&I excellence through gender equality, Helsinki, 23-24 October

The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture is organising the event “Research and Innovation Excellence through gender equality: New pathways and challenges”. It will take place in Helsinki, Finland on 23-24 October 2019. The event is part of the Finnish Presidency of the European Union and funded by the European Commission. More...
28 août 2019

RERS 2019 - Les femmes dans l’enseignement supérieur

ESR enseignementsup-recherche gouv frEn 2018-2019, 55 % des étudiants de l’enseignement supérieur sont des femmes (1). Depuis 1980, le nombre d’étudiantes dépasse celui des étudiants en France. Leur proportion progresse modérément dans l’ensemble, mais fortement à l’université (respectivement + 0,7 et + 3,6 points depuis 2000). La scolarisation des femmes dans l’enseignement supérieur s’est plus fortement développée que celle des hommes (2).
En 2018, le taux de scolarisation des femmes de 17 à 29 ans dans l’enseignement supérieur est plus élevé que celui des hommes quel que soit l’âge ; en 1997, le taux de scolarisation des femmes égalait celui des hommes à 29 ans. Cette proportion peut varier considérablement selon le type d’études (3).
Les femmes sont largement majoritaires dans les formations paramédicales ou sociales (86 %), tandis qu’exception faite de la Paces, elles sont minoritaires dans les formations sélectives (43 % en CPGE, 40 % en DUT), et plus encore en sciences (28 % des effectifs des formations d’ingénieurs, 31 % des étudiants de CPGE en filière scientifique). Ces disparités se retrouvent à l’université où les jeunes femmes y représentent 59 % de la population étudiante.
C’est dans les disciplines littéraires que la part des femmes est la plus élevée, en particulier en langues ou en lettres-sciences humaines (69 %). Si les femmes représentent 64 % des étudiants de médecine, odontologie, pharmacie, elles restent minoritaires dans les disciplines scientifiques (38 %).
Consulter la brochure R.E.R.S. 2019. Plus...
Repères et références statistiques 2019
25 août 2019

Sheffield's LGBT-only halls were called a ghetto – but a year on, they're thriving

The GuardianIt was a controversial decision for the university to open the flats, but it’s helped residents gain the confidence to mingle. More...

25 août 2019

The misogynists might finally learn to behave if their actions are outlawed

The GuardianAt universities and in parliament there still exists an obstinate resistance to change. More...

24 août 2019

New paternity leave proposals to exclude high earners could be a step backwards for gender equality

The ConversationA father’s role may have shifted massively in recent decades – from being seen as the main breadwinner or money earner in a household, to being a more active participant in family life. Yet, less than one in three new fathers in the UK currently take paternity leave. More...

24 août 2019

UK’s LGBT teachers still scarred by the legacy of homophobic legislation more than 30 years on

The ConversationLGBT teachers were asked which members of the school community were aware of their sexual identity. Only 20% of Section era teachers indicated being out to all school colleagues, while 88% of teachers were who started after section 28 was repealed in 2003. Almost half of these teachers were out to their pupils, compared with only 20% of Section 28-era teachers. More...

24 août 2019

The Other Gender Gap

By Steven Mintz. Serving everyone better.
Many of today’s most worrisome social problems involve males. Crime is only the tip of the iceberg. More...

23 août 2019

The Trans Divide

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Scholars are coming to the defense of a graduate student instructor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who is under scrutiny for her critical perspective on trans women. At the same time, other trans scholars and allies say they’re increasingly targeted for their own views and identities. More...

23 août 2019

This Journal's Future Is Female

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Political science association pleases and surprises members with its flagship publication's new editorial team. More...

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