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17 novembre 2015

Merging an HBCU

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. This fall has been a challenging one for Albany State University, a historically black institution in Georgia.
In October, the university fired four financial aid officials after a state audit found misconduct involving federal funds dating back to 1985. Read more...

17 novembre 2015

Between Consortia and Mergers

HomeBy Doug Lederman. The idea that relatively few colleges and universities can thrive entirely on their own has taken hold in several quarters recently, as financial and demographic woes squeeze many institutions' bottom lines. But while predictions of mergers and consolidations proliferate, so too does evidence that combining colleges -- and even close collaboration -- is hard to pull off even when it seems to make good sense. Read more...

17 novembre 2015

Latest Merger in Georgia Will Combine an HBCU With a Largely White College . Georgia’s Board of Regents voted on Tuesday to approve the merger of Albany State University and Darton State College, marking the seventh consolidation of Georgia public colleges in recent years. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the merger is the first in the state to combine a historically black institution with one that is mostly white. More...

8 novembre 2015

Merger prompts fears for future of higher education

By Ruwayshid Alruwaili. The world’s largest oil exporter is aiming to transform its higher education system. With the recent appointment of Dr Azzam Al-Dakhil as the new Education Minister, dramatic changes have taken place. The biggest was the merging of the two ministries – the Higher Education and Education ministries – into one ministry called the Education Ministry. Read more...

28 octobre 2015

L’heure est aux alliances Headway - Olivier Rollot. La semaine dernière Paris 4 Sorbonne et l’UPMC annonçaient leur rapprochement en évitant soigneusement de parler de fusion. Les rapprochements peuvent en effet donner d’excellents résultats sans pour autant donner lieu aux déchirements organisationnels que provoquent souvent les fusions. L’Alliance qui réunit Audencia Nantes, Centrale Nantes et l’école d’architecture (ensa) de Nantes en est un bon exemple. Suite...

18 octobre 2015

Merged Rutgers Law offers alumni new diplomas

University Business Magazine logoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Two law degrees for the price of one!
Well, kind of. More...

14 octobre 2015

EUA presents first interactive map of university mergers

Mergers and concentration processes are on the rise in the university sector. Close to 100 cases over the past 15 years have been listed by the European University Association. They now feature in EUA’s University Merger Tool,, the first interactive online map of the institutions borne out of these processes.
Whether mergers/clusters are part of large-scale restructuring of the higher education and research landscape or a response to local challenges, public authorities as well as university leaders and managers need to overcome similar issues. The University Merger Tool intends to support them by helping to identify previous cases of interest, and thus foster the exchange of experiences and good practice across borders. More...

3 octobre 2015

Closures to Triple

HomeBy Kellie Woodhouse. Closure rates of small colleges and universities will triple in the coming years, and mergers will double. Read more...

27 septembre 2015

SPC marche vers la fusion

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Sorbonne Paris Cité, marche forcée vers la fusion, courriel envoyé par Confedinfo (22 septembre 2015). Suite...

21 septembre 2015

Le rapport Combrexelle porte la “fureur fusionniste” pour les branches professionnelles le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Le rapport Combrexelle qui vient d’être remis au premier ministre ne se limite pas, loin s’en faut, à la simplification du code du travail comporte de nombreuses propositions dont certaines méritent discussion. Voir l'article...

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