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5 avril 2015

Education ministry outlines university merger proposal

Taipei TimesBy Abraham Gerber. The 51 public universities and 101 private ones must face up to the reduction in student numbers and some will have to close.
The Ministry of Education yesterday outlined plans to merge universities, as the number of students has been on the decline. Read more...

5 avril 2015

Universities and colleges face wholesale reforms

By Jan Petter Myklebust. The Norwegian government has begun the biggest series of higher education reforms since 1994, when 98 higher education institutions were merged into 26 university colleges.
Minister of Education and Research Torbjørn Røe Isaksen said he expected significantly fewer universities and university colleges would result from the reforms than the 33 Norwegian institutions today. Read more...

29 mars 2015

Close But No Merger

HomeBy Ry Rivard. After a year and a half of talks and looking at each other's books, two Roman Catholic colleges in western New York have decided not to merge. Read more...

28 mars 2015

Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté : une réalité au 1er avril

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"Le 14 mars 2015, le décret n°2015-280 du 11 mars portant sur la création de la communauté d'université et établissement "université Bourgogne-Franche-Comté" a été publié dans le Journal Officiel. Ce décret sera appliqué à partir du 1er avril prochain. Voir l'article...

22 mars 2015

Yeshiva Merges Faculties of Men's, Women's Colleges

HomeYeshiva University announced Thursday that it is merging the faculties of its men's undergraduate college (Yeshiva College) and its women's undergraduate college (Stern College for Women). At the same time, the two colleges will maintain separate campuses and separate courses. Read more...

17 mars 2015

Paris Saclay : fusion en 2020 ?

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Déclaration de Dominique Vernay, président de la Fondation de coopération scientifique Campus Paris Saclay, à News Tank Education (11 mars 2015). Saclay : nous nous organisons pour figurer dans le classement de Shanghai en 2020. Suite...
16 mars 2015

Salem State, Montserrat merger may cost taxpayers

By Paul Leighton. When Salem State University and Montserrat College of Art announced last week that they are exploring a merger, their presidents extolled the potential benefits for both institutions. More...

28 février 2015

Colleges vote on industrial action over merger plan

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "irishexaminer logo"Academic staff have welcomed decisions of two institutes of technology not to speed up a planned merger but will still vote on possible industrial action over the move.
The governing bodies of Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and Institute of Technology Tralee (ITT) are sticking to the timeframe to formalise their merger sometime in the second half of 2016 after discussing the issue at special meetings on Wednesday. More...

1 février 2015

Board vote could trigger historic wave of university mergers

By Jan Petter Myklebust. The Board of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, or NTNU, has agreed to a merger with three university colleges creating the largest university in the country, potentially triggering a wave of mergers elsewhere. Read more...
1 février 2015

Académies de Lille et d’Amiens : la fusion « pas exclue »

Par Elsa Doladille. L’hypothèse de la fusion des académies de Lille et d’Amiens n’est aujourd’hui « pas exclue », a indiqué lundi Jean-Jacques Pollet, recteur de l’académie de Lille, lors d’une conférence de presse. C’est en tout cas une hypothèse « parmi d’autres », examinée actuellement dans le cadre de la nouvelle carte des régions, dans laquelle le Nord-Pas-de-Calais et la Picardie ne formeront plus qu’une seule entité. Voir l'article...

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