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7 novembre 2017

State to support technical universities, polytechnics

The government has pledged to give strong support to technical universities and polytechnics – to raise the quality of their training, to drive the nation’s industrialisation, reports Ghana News Agency. More...
7 novembre 2017

African Leadership University opens second campus

On 29 September the African Leadership University opened the doors to its second campus on the continent of Africa, part of a long-term goal of educating three million young Africans on 25 campuses by 2060, writes Gaidi Faraj for Atlanta Black Star. More...
7 novembre 2017

Students were better off in 1980s, says statistics chief

The proportion of black students progressing at universities was higher in the 1980s than it was in 2017, according to Statistician-General Pali Lehohla, who released the financial statistics of higher education institutions for 2016 in Pretoria last week, writes Michelle Gumede for Business Day. More...
7 novembre 2017

President awards charter to Garissa University

President Uhuru Kenyatta last week granted a charter to Garissa University, making the higher institution of learning that was previously a constituent college of Moi University a fully-fledged university, reports KBC. More...
7 novembre 2017

Skills mismatch threatens economic growth – World Bank

By Gilbert Nganga. The East African region risks missing its long-term economic growth targets due to a widening disconnect between labour market skills needs and the graduates of higher education institutions, a World Bank report has warned. More...
7 novembre 2017

Private universities petition president over closures

By Rodrigue Rwirahira. University leaders from five mostly foreign universities have petitioned the President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, over the basis on which the Rwandan Higher Education Council, or HEC, decided to close down their operations, which took effect on 20 October. More...
7 novembre 2017

Letter from captive academic renews release efforts

By Tunde Fatunde. A handwritten letter penned by a university lecturer captured with two colleagues by Boko Haram earlier this year, which was delivered to the University of Maiduguri, has spurred renewed efforts by the Nigerian authorities to secure their release. More...
7 novembre 2017

Strong local academic communities as resources for strengthening sovereignty

By Sharon Dell – Africa Editor. In Africa Analysis, Mark Paterson discusses a new book which suggests that African governments need to nurture their local academic communities if they want to resist the imposition of policy prescriptions by foreign powers, and against the backdrop of the failure of knowledge transfer between donors and recipient countries, while Goolam Mohamedbhai says the repositioning and growth of private higher education and the blurring of the boundaries between the public and private higher education sectors mean that more attention needs to be paid to understanding the private sector.
   In Africa Features, Munyaradzi Makoni writes about a regional masters programme in public policy that is highlighting the innovative potential of African universities, while Wagdy Sawahel discusses the controversial issue of campus dress codes.
   In news from around the continent, Christabel Ligami reports on a new qualifications framework in Kenya which aims to crack down, inter alia, on the issuing of fake certificates; Ochieng’ O Benny reports on a partnership facilitated by the World Bank between a South Korean research institute and four African universities to improve research capacity; and Kudzai Mashininga reports on the announcement of a lifting of the freeze on academic appointments by Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe during a ceremony at which he received another honorary degree.
   In World Blog, Patrick Blessinger and Enakshi Sengupta say learning how to think and live as global citizens who are able to create a more globally sustainable, fair and just world is a top education priority confronting the world. More...
29 octobre 2017

A Nation Searches for Teachers

BANGUI, Central African Republic—War made Emma Mbathas a teacher.
Four years ago, armed members of the Muslim militia called Ex-Seleka attacked the 31-year-old courthouse worker’s village of Molangue, a village south of the capital, Bangui. More...

29 octobre 2017

Training Center Gives Former Child Soldiers a New Start

The youths were playing on a free day at a training center of the Union of Technicians for Unemployed Young People (Union des Techniciens en Faveur des Jeunes Désoeuvrés), a nongovernmental organization that is trying to help reintegrate former child soldiers into society. More...

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