By Greg Toppo. In 'Goldilocks' moment, two very different California institutions announce a merger that will bring a Southern California university's offerings to a 150-year-old Presbyterian seminary in Marin County. More...
Free College Idea Hinges on Merger With K-12
By Ashley A. Smith. The proposal from a Chicago mayoral candidate to offer free community college by merging the system with K-12 is unique. But local and national education experts say it wouldn’t work. More...
College of Ouachitas to Join Arkansas State System
By Doug Lederman. College of the Ouachitas, a free-standing community college in Arkansas, will become part of the Arkansas State University System next year, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported. More...
Second Failed Merger for Oregon Art College
By Scott Jaschik. Portland State University has announced that it will not continue discussions on a possible merger of the Oregon College of Art and Craft into the university, The Oregonian reported. More...
Hampshire College: Fold, Don’t Merge

Une nouvelle vague de projets de fusions de champs conventionnels
Sur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Le mouvement de regroupement des branches professionnelles se poursuit. Le Journal Officiel du 9 février 2019 publie l'Avis relatif à la fusion de champs conventionnels. Plus...
La dernière fusion de communes avant les élections municipales : Neuilly-lès-Dijon et Crimolois
Sur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Par arrêté en date du 4 février 2019, le préfet de Côte d'Or a décidé de créer une commune nouvelle issue de la fusion de Neuilly-lès-Dijon et Crimolois à compter du 28 février 2019. Plus...
Lille. Une fusion à parachever

A Salute to Hampshire
By Matt Reed. Apparently Hampshire College is endangered enough that it’s looking at not accepting an entering class this Fall, and it’s looking for a merger. More...
Aus: Super Uni merger offer withdrawn
By Anton Crace. The University of Adelaide has dismissed claims it sought to take over the University of South Australia, a week after talks on a proposed merger of the two institutions concluded two months ahead of schedule. More...