Le Hcéres rencontre, de mi-novembre à fin janvier 2017, les établissements parisiens concernés par la campagne d’évaluation 2017-2018 (vague D), lors de journées d'information et d'échanges.
Ces réunions sont l'occasion de présenter les modalités par type d'évaluation (coordinations territoriales, établissements, recherche, formations) et de mettre l'accent sur les nouveautés et évolutions. Voir l'article...
Evaluating public policy
A public policy evaluation as part of French government modernisation is based on:
- Comprehensive study of the available literature and work already done;
- Analysis (statistics, econometrics, data science, cost, impact, multiplier effects, etc.), survey techniques (interviews, field visits, etc.) and consultation (questionnaires, polls, focus groups, etc.). More...
Californians rate public colleges highly
Submitted by Stefanie Botelho. Most Californians give high marks to their public universities and colleges but worry they are too expensive, according to a statewide survey released Thursday. More...
NAPLAN results reveal little change in literacy and numeracy performance – here are some key takeaway findings
By . The national report on National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) outcomes has been released today, showing the test results of Australian students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. More...
NAPLAN results: moving beyond our obsession with numbers
By . The latest national report from the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) has led to yet another round of calls for the need to reform schooling practices. More...
Elsevier Launches 'Impact Factor' Competitor
By Carl Straumsheim. Metrics gauging the impact of journals the have been controversial among some researchers and publishers, who have said the emphasis on ranking journals negatively affects faculty members and journals themselves. Read more...
How to Measure Impact
By Carl Straumsheim. Elsevier explains the thought process behind CiteScore, its new journal impact metrics. Critics worry about potential conflicts of interest. Read more...
"L'évalutation embarquée" : une méthode Anact qui permet de co-construire le changement

Intégrer les RPS dans le document unique d'évaluation des risques professionnels (DUERP)

Des évolutions de l’organisation du travail peuvent induire un mal-être au travail ayant des conséquences sur la santé physique et psychique des salariés mais également sur la performance de l’entreprise. Voir l'article...