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31 janvier 2019

Ofsted’s grade fixation fails pupils and teachers

The GuardianThe chief inspector has launched a consultation on the new framework for the inspection of schools and colleges (Ofsted plans overhaul of inspections to look beyond exam results, 16 January). While we welcome most of Ofsted’s new inspection framework, it is doomed to fail unless Ofsted drops its flawed four-point grading system. More...

31 janvier 2019

Finance your postgraduate degree: grant, scholarship and loan options

The GuardianFresh loans to cover course fees and living costs have thrown a financial lifeline to some postgraduate students. But course fees are still high: the average was £7,400 in 2018-19, up by 31% on 2014-15. More...

31 janvier 2019

How to get over our Oxbridge obsession

The GuardianThe offers of Oxbridge places to 41 pupils at a single east London state school highlight the inequalities in our education system. More...

31 janvier 2019

Cut tuition fees and you shut the door to poor students

The GuardianUniversities rely on income from fees to fund the outreach activities essential to make them more diverse. More...

31 janvier 2019

'This is not a fluke': how one state school got 41 Oxbridge offers

The GuardianA key factor in the success is that although the school (for ages 11-16) is comprehensive, the sixth form is highly selective. It opened in 2012 and attracts up to 3,000 applications for 300 places each year. Some of its students travel up to two hours each way to attend. More...

31 janvier 2019

Cutting tuition fees won’t help poorer students – reduce interest rates instead

The GuardianThe government’s university funding review must not cut fees – that would damage teaching and help only richer students. More...

31 janvier 2019

Birmingham University in row over 'racist' treatment of non-EU staff

The GuardianThe University of Birmingham has been criticised over plans to more strictly enforce immigration controls for international staff, with unions and campaigners accusing it of pursuing draconian and discriminatory monitoring of non-EU academics. More...

31 janvier 2019

'Sometimes you feel alone': studying at university with a disability

The GuardianThree disabled students tell us about how they have coped with the transition from school to university. More...

31 janvier 2019

Universities can do more to support their disabled students

The GuardianMore students with a disability are going to university than ever before, but we need greater progress to level the playing field. More...

31 janvier 2019

Oxford places ban on donations and research grants from Huawei

The GuardianThe University of Oxford has placed an indefinite ban on accepting research grants or donations from the Chinese telecoms firm Huawei, which is facing mounting concerns from several governments about whether it poses a risk to national security. More...

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