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25 novembre 2016

A Network Theory of Power

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Network Theory of Power
Manuel Castells, International Journal of Communication, 2016/10/21

I revisited this article recently while looking up some references. Manuel Castells has a history of activism infused with a deep knowledge of networks and communications. More...

25 novembre 2016

Analysing ORCID coverage across repositories through CORE

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Analysing ORCID coverage across repositories through CORE
Matteo Cancellieri, Petr Knoth, Nancy Pontika, CORE, 2016/10/21

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a system that "provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher...  in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission." This article looks at a study of how widely ORCID identifiers are used through a survey of listings in CORE, an open access research paper aggregation service. More...

25 novembre 2016

Learning Analytics Webinar

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Learning Analytics Webinar
Aaron Silver, Anthony Whyte, 2016/10/21

Michael Feldstein recommends this webinar (66 minute YouTube Video) on xAPI and Caliper. Good discussion, though I wish Silver's audio quality were better. More...

25 novembre 2016

Embedding is the new linking

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Embedding is the new linking
Paul Bradshaw, Online Journalism Blog, 2016/10/21

Some not-so-surprising aspects to this story: first, people want to see resources from other sites right on the page they're looking at. More...

25 novembre 2016

Digital Defenders

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Digital Defenders
Kirsten Fiedler, Theresia Reinhold, European Digital Rights (EDRi), 2016/10/21

I'm not really a fan of the game-fiction-as-learning format, but I agree that it's a useful effort to provide information to children about online security and personal privacy (11 page PDF). More...

25 novembre 2016

PubSub: W3C First Public Working Draft 20 October 2016

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. PubSub: W3C First Public Working Draft 20 October 2016
Julien Genestoux, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 2016/10/21

From the World Wide Web Consortium, something interesting: "The Social Web Working Group has published a Working Draft of PubSub. More...

25 novembre 2016

Open Practices

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Open Practices
Stephen Downes, Oct 21, 2016.

This post is a response to a request for my thoughts on the value of open practices and methodologies for putting them into practice. More...

25 novembre 2016

The Learner is the Winner

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Learner is the Winner
Anne Trumbore, Ed Tech Digest, 2016/10/19

Short summary of the University of Pennsylvania’s Business Education Online Learning Summit on September 19-20. More...

25 novembre 2016

Facebook’s Social VR Coming Sooner than you Think

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Facebook’s Social VR Coming Sooner than you Think
Emory Craig, Digital Bodies, 2016/10/19

It's easy to forget that Oculus Rift and Facebook are the same company. We shouldn't. "According to RoadtoVR, Facebook’s Social VR platform for Oculus Rift is coming sooner than you think. More...

25 novembre 2016

College Students: 'Please Personalize My Learning'

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. College Students: 'Please Personalize My Learning'
Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology, 2016/10/19

This is one of those surveys (47 page PDF but you might have to sign up for spam) that I think puts words in people's mouths. More...

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