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29 novembre 2016

Have hashtags finally outlived their usefulness?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Have hashtags finally outlived their usefulness?
Terry Dawes, CanTech Letter, 2016/09/02

In 2005 I gave a talk at Northern Voice "deflating a few pet concepts of the blogerati, such as the value of the long tail and the utility of tagging." people actually shouted at me when I criticized the future of hashtags (well, it was Marc Canter shouting, but he counts as people). More...

29 novembre 2016

How to Make a Twitter Bot in Under an Hour

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How to Make a Twitter Bot in Under an Hour
Daniel Peterschmidt, Medium, 2016/09/02

Readers of the OLDaily Twitter account are receiving tweets from what is essentially a Twitter bot - sure, the posts are copies of what I write for the newsletter, but the rest of it is automated. More...

29 novembre 2016

Downe’s great summary article, but…….

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Downe’s great summary article, but…….
Terry Anderson, Virtual Canuck, 2016/09/02

Terry Anderson is right. I should have used the word 'education' instead of 'learning'. More...

29 novembre 2016

Introducing Google Cloud

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Introducing Google Cloud
Diane Greene, Google Cloud Official Blog, 2016/09/30

Google has rebranded and relaunched a number of services for enterprises, including education, under the heading of Google Cloud. More...

29 novembre 2016

Create a Professional Learning Community in 3 Easy Steps with Office 365

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Create a Professional Learning Community in 3 Easy Steps with Office 365
Andrew Robertson, Microsoft UK Schools Blog, 2016/09/30

What I want to flag here is the use of the term "professional learning community" by Microsoft. More...

29 novembre 2016

The Open University of Brazil goes open

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Open University of Brazil goes open
Tel Amiel, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, 2016/09/30

According to this article, the Open University of Brazil (UAB) "has just announced its open educational resources repository — eduCAPES, during the 9th meeting of UAB Coordinators in Brasília. More...

29 novembre 2016

Online Classes Get a Missing Piece: Teamwork

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Online Classes Get a Missing Piece: Teamwork
Marguerite McNeal, EdSurge, 2016/09/30

Audrey Watters gasps, "Can you believe no one has ever thought about adding 'social' to online education until now?!" It boggles the mind, to be sure. But Carolyn Rosé's project is a bit more interesting than that. More...

29 novembre 2016

Apprentissage : les principales mesures de la loi Travail

Orientation Pays de la LoireLa loi n° 2016-1088 du 8 août 2016 relative au Travail, à la Modernisation du dialogue social et à la Sécurisation des parcours professionnels comporte diverses dispositions dont certaines sont destinées à « développer l’apprentissage comme voie de réussite ». Voir l'article...

29 novembre 2016

Qualité des formations – Des ressources en ligne

Orientation Pays de la LoireÀ compter du 1er janvier 2017, Opca, Opacif et Fongecif, régions, État, Agefiph et Pôle emploi devront obligatoirement prendre en compte dans leurs procédures d’achats publics les dispositions du décret n°2015-790 du 30 juin 2015 relatif à la qualité des actions de la formation professionnelle continue. Voir l'article...

29 novembre 2016

Journée régionale des acteurs du SPRO - 22 novembre 2016

Orientation Pays de la Loire206 personnes ont participé mardi 22 novembre à la journée des acteurs du SPRO (Service public régional de l'orientation). Ateliers, conférence et tables rondes ont rythmé une journée dédiée au thème  du territoire : comment l’utiliser pour construire son projet professionnel, quelles pratiques et quelles ressources. Voir l'article...

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