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25 novembre 2016

International Co-Authorship Increasing

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. The number of scientific papers with authors from more than one country increased by 16 percent between 2012 and 2015, according to data from the Nature Index, which tracks national and institutional author affiliations across 68 natural science journals. Read more...

25 novembre 2016

Can a Campus Be a Sanctuary?

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. A growing movement, in wake of Trump’s victory, calls on colleges to limit cooperation with federal immigration officials. Legal and political impacts are unclear. Read more...

25 novembre 2016

Efforts to Defend Undocumented Students

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. An open letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump from higher education professionals -- faculty, staff and administrators -- calls for the continuation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, under which more than 700,000 young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children have obtained temporary protection from deportation and two-year renewable work permits. Read more...

25 novembre 2016

International Student Numbers Top 1 Million

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. Annual report finds that international enrollments climb at undergraduate and graduate level and decline at intensive English level. The number of Americans studying abroad continues to grow. Read more...

25 novembre 2016

Post-Election, More Interest in Canada's Universities

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Canadian universities are seeing a surge of interest from Americans since the election, The Globe and Mail reported. Read more...

25 novembre 2016

Tensions, Protests, Incidents

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. In wake of election, black freshmen at Penn receive racist emails; students protesting Trump at Central Missouri have firecracker thrown at them; controversy over flag burning at Hampshire and more. Read more...

25 novembre 2016

How Voters Viewed College Affordability

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Advocates for Hillary Clinton's campaign (and, before that, Bernie Sanders's) said that the issue of free or debt-free college would be a winning political issue in the general election. Read more...

25 novembre 2016

Study: Many Physicists May Fear Math

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. It's difficult to go very far in physics without knowledge of advanced mathematics. But a study in The New Journal of Physics found that physicists pay less attention to theories that are full of mathematical details. Read more...

25 novembre 2016

Free Speech in Contentious Times

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Leaders of state universities hear differing views on how to uphold academic values at a time when many students feel under siege and misunderstood. Read more...

25 novembre 2016

Fears of Liberal Arts Erosion

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Research suggests that new courses at liberal arts colleges these days may increasingly be coming from practical fields. Read more...

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