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25 novembre 2016

Internet of Broken Things

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Internet of Broken Things
Michael Caulfield, Hapgood, 2016/10/24

As is always the case, technology as planned works very differently from technology when mixed with humans. Witness the Internet of Things (IoT), the nascent linking of phones, printers, cameras, and a host of other dumb smart devices. They have now become the prime vector internet attacks. More...

25 novembre 2016

What is the difference between CSS variables and preprocessor variables?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. What is the difference between CSS variables and preprocessor variables?
Chris Coyier, CSS Tricks, 2016/10/26
The world of web page style has become complicated and complex, partially because of the need to support numerous browsers (both PC based and mobile) and partially because large-scale projects require variables and functions to facilitate management. More...

25 novembre 2016


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap

Songrotek, GitHub, 2016/10/26
This is an unfinished work, but it illustrates nicely the use of academic papers as open educational resources by sequencing useful and important resources in such a way as to guide the reader through the essentials of a discipline. More...

25 novembre 2016

The NYT buying Wirecutter and Sweethome is so much more amazing than you think

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The NYT buying Wirecutter and Sweethome is so much more amazing than you think
Matt Haughey, 15 minutes in the morning, 2016/10/26

You can just imagine the sceptics, says this article: "You can’t build a tech site that doesn’t publish 20 times a day. You can’t build a content site that isn’t covered with advertising. More...

25 novembre 2016

'Star Trek: Bridge Crew' finds a new frontier in VR co-op gaming

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 'Star Trek: Bridge Crew' finds a new frontier in VR co-op gaming
Daniel Cooper, Engadget, 2016/10/26

I spent the summer of 1981 in a basement programming every bit of a TI-99 computer in order to build a Star Trek game. It wasn't much. More...

25 novembre 2016

The myth of the sophisticated hack

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The myth of the sophisticated hack
Andrew Peterson, Desmos, 2016/10/26

Good article about hacking. It relevant as there has been a spike in recent activity, probably timed to coincide with the election (I'm hoping so; my own website is being caught in the crossfire). More...

25 novembre 2016

Quality Assurance for Reusable Learning Objects on a Peer-To-Peer Network

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Quality Assurance for Reusable Learning Objects on a Peer-To-Peer Network
Rajendra G. Singh, Margaret A. Bernard, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), 2016/10/31

Are learning objects making a comeback? We saw Cengage basically lay claim to the term last week with its announcement of a platform called Learning Objects. More...

25 novembre 2016

(This Is Not a Morphology of) The Monsters of Education Technology

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. (This Is Not a Morphology of) The Monsters of Education Technology
Audrey Watters, Hack Education, 2016/10/31

I'm not a fan of holiday-themed articles (they're far too easy and forrmulaic) but I thoroughly enjoyed Audrey Watters's rant on the monsters of educational technology (even if I did make the list). More...

25 novembre 2016

42 or why one college does not wipe out previous options

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 42 or why one college does not wipe out previous options
Inge de Waard, Ignatia Webs, 2016/10/31
What I like about this article is that it speaks directly against the sort of magical thinking that characterizes Silicon Valley innovations, the latest being 42, a college built "around the idea of peer learning, without the interference of teachers. " Inge de Waard writes, "MOOCs and 42 are not the solution for education, just as humans are not the solution for peace (clearly). It is a positive, engaging combination of elements that makes things happen." Fair enough. More...

25 novembre 2016

Carré Technologies Astroskin Gets Green Light for Use on the International Space Station

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Carré Technologies Astroskin Gets Green Light for Use on the International Space Station
Marc Boucher, SpaceRef Canada, 2016/10/31

They're calling it a 'smart shirt' though it's actually more of a singlet. It monitors blood pressure, skin temperature, activity level, heart rate and electrical activity, and breathing rate and volume. More...

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