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10 janvier 2015

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights - EU Agencies express full solidarity with victims of attack on French magazine

"This attack is an atrocity that cannot be justified in any way, and our thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims. At the same time, it is an attack on freedom of expression, one of the EU’s core values,” said FRA Director Morten Kjaerum. “In the difficult days and weeks that will follow this heinous act of violence, we must remain critically mindful of the importance of respect for dignity, for freedom of thought, conscience and religion and respect for non-discrimination that lie at the heart of European society."

FRA is currently chair of the Network of the EU’s agencies, which were set up to provide legal, technical and scientific expertise on specific subjects. FRA is mandated to provide evidence-based advice to EU and national decision makers on fundamental rights issues, thereby contributing to well-informed and targeted fundamental rights policy throughout the EU.

10 janvier 2015

EU Agencies express full solidarity with victims of attack on French magazine

HomeFollowing the attack on the editorial offices of French magazine Charlie Hebdo, Cedefop together with all European Union Agencies, expresses its horror at the crime and its sympathy with all those close to the victims.
Full statement on FRA website. More...

10 janvier 2015

Cedefop turns 40!

HomeIn 2015, Cedefop celebrates the 40th anniversary of its foundation – and the 20th of its relocation from Berlin to Thessaloniki. A series of events have been planned throughout the year to mark this milestone.
The celebrations will culminate in June, in Thessaloniki, with a conference linked to the annual Cedefop Governing Board meeting.
‘Old roots for new routes’ is the anniversary theme, which draws inspiration from the past to continue the work of improving vocational education and training (VET).
A special edition of Cedefop’s magazine Skillset and Match, in May, will explore VET’s accomplishments in the past 40 years and its future challenges.
We have also created a new visual identity which will be applied to all our material throughout 2015. The identity is based on the anniversary theme and the roots of European modern art - Bauhaus and constructivism of the early 20th century. Both art movements remain fresh and progressive, just like Cedefop!
Watch this space for more information on a year of exciting events and publications.

Cedefop 40th anniversary corporate identity concept EN. More...

10 janvier 2015

Germany - culture of welcome for international professionals well on the way

HomeThe Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) have presented a first evaluation of implementation of the current immigration law for foreign professionals Wirkungsanalyse des rechtlichen Rahmens für ausländische Fachkräfte (impact analysis of the legal framework for foreign professionals). More...

10 janvier 2015

Germany - international campaign 'Recognition in Germany'

HomeOn 30 July an international campaign to promote the ’Recognition in Germany’ portal abroad was launched by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It aims at expanding and improving information on professional recognition provided for skilled workers interested in migrating to Germany. The campaign focuses on Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey. More...

10 janvier 2015

Belgium - a personal approach to training entrepreneurs

HomeSince 2011, numbers of self-employed people under 30 years of age have risen steadily. This trend could well continue unabated despite the obstacles faced by self-employed people. Running a business requires specialist training which is not accessible for most budding entrepreneurs. More...

10 janvier 2015

Germany - Tesda and Germany sign pact to boost research and training

HomeThe Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (Tesda) and the government of Germany recently sealed an agreement that seeks to intensify technical vocational education and training (TVET) programmes to prepare skilled graduates for employment.
Tesda Director-General Joel Villanueva signed a cooperation agreement with the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) for collaborative research and development of TVET and further promotion of the dual training system. More...

10 janvier 2015

We are Charlie

12 persons died yesterday in Paris, most of them illustrators and journalists. 12 persons killed by two terrorists claiming they were avenging the Prophet Muhammad. 12 persons that speak for our freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of thought.
Lincoln once said “if you think education is expensive, try ignorance”. Is it all about ignorance? Is it about their ignorance? Or about our own ignorance? Are these illiterate murderers the symbol of our failure to educate them?
The journalists that died were defending a simple truth: we can laugh at everything, at everyone. Do we really learn this at school? Are we brave enough when defending the core values of our democracies? Are we brave enough when we dissimulate the truth to sell more geographic atlas in a given region of the world? Are we brave enough when we let mobbing, racism, sexual harassment enter our classroom? Are we brave enough when we discuss about how religion should be taught and not about how democracy should be taught?


I write every week in my blog about the value of open education and innovative learning. Open education should enable knowledge and values to be shared massively. Innovative learning should be about giving anyone a chance to succeed in school and in life. We discuss endlessly about efficacy, cost effectiveness, adaptation to the job market. We don’t speak enough about simple things such as love, care and respect. How many MOOCs and OERs have been produced on democracy, free speech… and are really used? How much web skills are needed to succeed in life? And how much personal skills?
Education is only a promise that needs to be reaffirmed continuously with or without technology. Two terrorists that were brought up and went to school in France broke this promise with their bullets.
For them education is not the answer. For us it is THE answer, more than ever.
We are Charlie. More...

10 janvier 2015

Key skill assessment: Communication

This key skill focuses on the ways in which you receive and respond to information and communicate with other people in your work, study and everyday life. Communication skills include speaking, listening, reading and writing for different purposes. Techniques such as note taking and writing summaries are important, but so, too, are the techniques of evaluation and application, such as evaluating the relevance and quality of information. More...

10 janvier 2015

The Magna Carta and its Legacy

In 1215, King John sealed Magna Carta by the Thames at Runnymede in Surrey, a charter between the monarch and his Barons placing limits on his power over freeborn men in the kingdom. Magna Carta enshrined the principle that all people should be bound by the rule of law, including the monarch, and that the processes of justice must be applied to all. Many political thinkers have celebrated Magna Carta as the first example of a bill of rights, an ancient constitution. More...

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