By . Campaigners want a university to sack former undercover spy Bob Lambert but their demand is so far being resisted. More...
Why I would choose an immersion course over a language degree
By Fred McConnell. After a disappointing four year degree in Arabic, it was only in an immersion course that Fred McConnell discovered the magic of language learning.
I did not choose Arabic for an undergraduate course because I loved learning languages. All that mattered to me was travel and adventure, and in that regard my degree was highly successful. But I loathed all forms of academic work and was under the delusion that academics could somehow transmit Arabic over the course of four years via exposure and mental trickery. More...
Winners and losers from foreign students
The home secretary’s continued defence of her proposal to make international students leave immediately at the end of their university course and apply for a UK work visa from their country of origin is seriously misjudged – politically and economically (May defends plan to expel non-EU students, 6 January). More...
Theresa May defends student immigration policy
By Alan Travis. Home secretary says overseas student numbers could hit 600,000 by 2020 if unchecked after criticism from James Dyson. More...
Want to enrol and keep Indigenous university students? Then look to what already works
By Larissa Behrendt. In 2011, I chaired a review into Indigenous higher education. We already know that institutions who commit at the highest levels get better results. More...
'Philosophy is for posh, white boys with trust funds' – why are there so few women?
By Rebecca Ratcliffe and Claire Shaw. Philosophy stands out among the humanities: it’s one of the few subject areas where women are vastly outnumbered by men.
Although male and female students take philosophy undergraduate courses in almost equal numbers, the number of women who pursue a career in philosophy is much lower. A recent report by the Equality Challenge Unit found that, among non-Stem (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects, philosophy is one of the most male-dominated, with men accounting for 71.2% of the profession. More...
Charlie Hebdo murders: the bravery of the satirists
By . Laurence Grove on the role of bandes dessinées and satirical cartoons in France’s commitment to liberty.
How do you react when faced with the worst terrorist attack in France for 50 years, friends and colleagues massacred, with the world looking on in outrage? You make sure your Facebook page has a black-humour cartoon, a happy New Year greeting showing an Islamic militant wishing “Above all good health” – as the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo did this week. It is the breaking of the final taboo, but surely supporters of Charlie Hebdo, who are already gathering to voice solidarity in mass demonstrations throughout France and beyond, with the “Je Suis Charlie” (“I am Charlie”) campaign in full tweet, would not wish it any other way.
There have been other terrorist attacks, but if this one seems particularly poignant it is perhaps due to the contradictions and ironies. Charlie Hebdo takes its name from cute old Charlie Brown, the lead character of the Peanuts comic strip and part of a 1960s wave of underground imports to France representing American alternative culture and free-thinking. But Snoopy and friends seem galaxies away from the current version of Charlie, recently attacking Sarkozy’s narrow-mindedness by showing him performing sex acts on male homophobes, or above all laughing in the face of fundamentalist terrorism. Charb, the journal’s director and one of those who died in the attack, had posted his final cartoon portraying an armed militant reacting to the statement that there had still been no terrorist attacks in France: “Hang on! We’ve got until the end of January to present our best wishes.”
Charlie Hebdo and its artists are household names in France. The magazine boasts intellectual social commentary, but remains accessible and cheeky. It is as if we have been witnessing the assassination of both Jean-Paul Sartre and Ian Hislop, but even ruder, sillier and more offensive. Left-thinking and above all iconoclastic, the journal is known for asking what in the modern world cannot be said, and then saying it. Or, moreover, showing it, particularly in the case of depictions of Muhammad. Charlie Hebdo’s effect owes much to the immediacy and the visual impact of the art of comics, seen in France as the Ninth Art, and therefore on a par with poetry, theatre and architecture. It is ironic, then, that those who live by the visual should die by the visual, in a terrorist attack moulded to fill the looping videos of the world’s media.
It is the contradictions that make it so hard to predict where France will go next in the aftermath of an event of this magnitude. We might be tempted to foresee an anti-Islam backlash, but that would be the very reaction of the redneck cartoon characters created and lampooned by the likes of Cabu and Wolinski. It is the reactionary racists who would have found Charlie’s humour irresponsible, stupid or just nasty – epithets that the journal gleefully applied to itself – and, seeing it gunned down, might then find themselves in an emotional quandary. In theory, at least. Beyond the black humour and the voyeurism of the media images inevitably comes a knot in the stomach, an intense sadness. We are reminded of a quote attributed to one of the pillars of French irreverent satire, Voltaire, that he might have detested what you were saying, but that he would defend to the death your right to say it. More...
THE podcast: 1-7 January 2015 issue review
The 2014 research excellence framework, the effectiveness of making unconditional offers to students and university governance are all discussed in this week’s issue review podcast.
Reporter Chris Parr is joined by reporters Holly Else and Chris Havergal, and deputy news editor John Morgan to discuss this week’s Times Higher Education. More...
Students from poorer backgrounds win places in US
By . Sutton Trust scheme sends UK applicants to Harvard, Yale and others. More...
Universities’ place in North West economic plan highlighted
By . David Cameron and George Osborne have trumpeted universities’ involvement in plans to boost the economy of the North West. More...