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10 janvier 2015

A look back at some highlights from 2014

LogoIt has been a busy 12 months for EUA in terms of policy, project and event activities. We take a look back at a selection of EUA activities from the last year.

  • Members of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) gather at the Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir, Turkey for a thematic workshop on Outcomes of Doctoral Education – Mindset, Research, Innovation. Every year, EUA-CDE dedicates its annual workshop to a specific theme which it invites EUA-CDE members to consider in detail through a combination of keynote speeches and case-study presentations from individual universities. The 2014 Thematic Workshop developed this format by inviting researchers on doctoral education to present evidence on how outcomes of doctoral education are seen across different disciplines. More...
10 janvier 2015

Web Project Internship within ESN AISBL

ESN logoThe Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest network of student organizations in Europe. It was founded on the 16th October 1989 and its aim is to support and develop student mobility. Every year, ESN maintains and developed several IT tools such as ESN Galaxy, ESN Satellite, etc.
ESN offers an IT Internship position for students in higher education to work on the web projects of ESN.
Please send a short motivation letter and CV to
Deadline for the application is January 21, 23:59 CET.
Please don't hesitate to contact us in case you have any additional questions regarding the position. For more information on our IT projects please visit our website More...

10 janvier 2015

Terrorist attack against Charlie Hebdo Magazine: the IAU is deeply shocked

The International Association of Universities is deeply shocked and saddened by the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris and mourns the tragic death of journalists, police officers and other staff members. Our sympathies and condolences go to all their loved ones; our solidarity is with all journalists. Targeting freedom of expression, attempting to limit freedom of the press is unacceptable and must be fought by all who cherish living in democratic societies. More...

Je suis Charlie

10 janvier 2015

Attentat contre le journal Charlie Hebdo : l’AIU est sous le choc

L’Association internationale des Universités est profondément choqué et attristé suite à l’attaque terroriste perpétuée à l’encontre de Charlie Hebdo à Paris. L’AIU déplore la mort tragique des journalistes, des autres membres du personnel ainsi que des officiers de police. Toutes nos condoléances vont à leurs proches ; nous sommes solidaires de tous les journalistes. Les atteintes à la liberté d’expression et les tentatives visant à limiter la liberté de la presse sont inacceptables et elles doivent être combattues par tous ceux qui chérissent de vivre au sein de sociétés démocratiques. Voir l'article...

Je suis Charlie

10 janvier 2015

Le site web du 6ème GMA de l'AIU est en ligne

L'AIU est heureuse d'annoncer l'ouverture du site web dédié à sa prochaine Réunion mondiale des Associations (GMA).
Cet événement de l'AIU, qui mettra l'accent sur L'innovation sociale: défis et perspectives pour l'enseignement supérieur, est co-organisé en coopération avec l’Organisation universitaire interaméricaine (OUI), et sera accueilli par l'Université de Montréal, à Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Pour en savoir plus sur le programme du GMA et pour vous inscrire à l'événement, nous vous invitons à vous rendre sur le site web du GMA. Voir l'article...

10 janvier 2015

Vient de paraître - HEP 27/4 – décembre 2014

Le dernier numéro de Higher Education Policy (HEP) vient de paraître. Ce numéro spécial traite des conditions de travail des universitaires et des chercheurs débutants.

Articles sur le thème:

  • Introduction: Early Career Researchers and Changing Working Conditions in Academia - Veronika Wöhrer;
  • Power at the Interfaces: The Contested Orderings of Academic Presents and Futures in a Social Science Department – Tereza Stöckelová; l'intégralité de cet article est disponible ici
  • Supervision and Early Career Work Experiences of Estonian Humanities Researchers Under the Conditions of Project-based Funding – Jaana Eigi, Pille Põiklik, Endla Lõhkivi et Katrin Velbaum;
  • To Stay or to Go? Narratives of Early-Stage Sociologists about Persisting in Academia – Veronika Wöhrer;
  • Keep on Movin’? Research Mobility’s Meanings for Italian Early-Stage Researchers - Chiara Carrozza et Sara Minucci;

Autres articles:

  • Setting Policy Agenda for the Social Dimension of the Bologna Process – Yasemin Yagci;
  • Inclusion of Women Academics into American Universities: Analysis of Women Status Reports - Xuhong Su et Monica Gaughan. Voir l'article...
10 janvier 2015

The Website for the IAU GMA 6 Is Now Live!

The IAU is pleased to announce that the website dedicated to its upcoming 6th Global Meeting of Associations (GMA 6) is now live!
This IAU event, which will focus on Social Innovation: Challenges and Perspectives for Higher Education, is co-organized in collaboration with the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE), and will be hosted by the Université de Montréal in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
To learn more about the GMA programme and to register for the event, please visit the GMA website on a regular basis. More...

10 janvier 2015

Just released - HEP 27/4 – December 2014

The latest edition of Higher Education Policy (HEP) has just been released and is a special edition entitled Early Career Researchers and Changing Working Conditions in Academia.

Contents (Special Edition)

  • Introduction: Early Career Researchers and Changing Working Conditions in Academia - Veronika Wöhrer;
  • Power at the Interfaces: The Contested Orderings of Academic Presents and Futures in a Social Science Department – Tereza Stöckelová; full text of this article is freely available here
  • Supervision and Early Career Work Experiences of Estonian Humanities Researchers Under the Conditions of Project-based Funding – Jaana Eigi, Pille Põiklik, Endla Lõhkivi and Katrin Velbaum;
  • To Stay or to Go? Narratives of Early-Stage Sociologists about Persisting in Academia – Veronika Wöhrer;
  • Keep on Movin’? Research Mobility’s Meanings for Italian Early-Stage Researchers - Chiara Carrozza and Sara Minucci;

Other Articles

  • Setting Policy Agenda for the Social Dimension of the Bologna Process – Yasemin Yagci;
  • Inclusion of Women Academics into American Universities: Analysis of Women Status Reports - Xuhong Su and Monica Gaughan. More...
10 janvier 2015

National networks to help more young people access higher education

HEFCE logoA new £22 million scheme involving over 200 higher education institutions and reaching 4,300 secondary schools and colleges aims to encourage more young people into higher education.
The National Networks for Collaborative Outreach (NNCO) will deliver a nationally co-ordinated approach to working with schools, universities and colleges to help people access higher education [Note 1].   Local and regional providers of higher education have come together to form the networks, ensuring comprehensive coverage across England.
Thirty-five local networks will cover the whole of England. Each network will appoint a single point of contact to help teachers and advisers find out about higher education outreach activity in their area and to provide general advice about progression into higher education. Three more networks will offer advice and support to specific groups of students at national level, including older learners wishing to continue or return to study and care leavers.
The local networks will host web-sites with information about outreach activity, and signpost other information to support schools and colleges as they prepare their students for higher education.
The networks are funded by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and managed by HEFCE. More...

10 janvier 2015

HEFCE evidence and input to the 2014 government consultations on the Science and Innovation Strategy and Science Capital Roadmap

HEFCE logoAs part of our work to develop evidence to underpin policy, HEFCE gathered new evidence to support our response to the Government’s capital consultation. This evidence was developed with the input and advice of JM Consulting Ltd, building on its 2006 report on the state of capital infrastructure in UK higher education institutions [Note 5]. The new evidence includes an update of the tables from the 2006 report, a summary report on institutional case studies undertaken by Deloitte earlier in 2014, and a report on a joint HEFCE-Universities UK survey of higher education institutions undertaken earlier in 2014. These new pieces of evidence can be found below, and their main findings are reflected in our response to the consultation. More...

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