By Katherine Mangan. Millions of students nationwide could be eligible for two years of free community-college tuition under a proposal that President Obama will outline on Friday during an appearance at Pellissippi State Community College, in Tennessee. More...
When a Flipped-Classroom Pioneer Hands Off His Video Lectures, This Is What Happens
By Jeffrey R. Young. In a way, there are two Norman Nemrows. There’s the real-life professor who spent much of his career teaching accounting students at Brigham Young University. And there’s the one I'll call Video Norm, the instructor immortalized in lectures on accounting that he began recording nearly 15 years ago.
For more than a decade, students at BYU learned from both Norms. About half of the class sessions for his introductory-accounting course were "software days," when students watched an hour or two of video lectures on their computers anywhere they wanted and then completed quizzes online. More...
In Time of Disruption, Media Companies and Colleges Look to Each Other for Help
By Steve Kolowich. As the information age shifts the earth beneath their feet, colleges and media companies are grabbing onto each other for support.
There were a slew of announcements this past fall about journalism outlets and education institutions that are collaborating on courses—and, in at least one case, a full-fledged degree program. The University of Southern California is joining forces with Wired; Northeastern University with Esquire; the Financial Times with a group of business schools; and the University of Oklahoma with the History Channel. More...
University applications webchat 2015: as it happened

Charlie Hebdo: what the cartoons mean to one French academic
By Louisiane Ferlier. I grew up with the drawings of Charb, Wolinski and Cabu. Their fearless provocations have always seemed to me a necessary expression of the fertility of French culture.
The day after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, the French Society for British Studies circulated a simple message of condolence. A member of the society replied that this thread was off-topic since the mailing list is dedicated to the exchange of information concerning research on English language and English history in France.
A series of outraged messages ensued: surely it is our mission as researchers and educators to defend, pen in hand, freedom of expression? Surely, if we teach our students how to read, understand and appreciate Milton or Rushdie, we must speak in favour of what the latter described later that day as “fearless disrespect”?
These reactions (including the first one) are all signs that the French academic community is mourning. Allow me, in my own way, to simply explain what the cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo represent for a French academic.
At about 12 years old, I was given a copy of a cartoon book entitled Dis Maman, y’a pas de dames dans l’histoire? (Mum, aren’t there any ladies in history?) It was authored by Maryse Wolinski and the cartoons were drawn by Georges Wolinski.
Georges Wolinski died on Wednesday in the attack at Charlie Hebdo.
Dis Maman, y’a pas de dames dans l’histoire? was the story of the Wolinski kid asking her mum and dad about the role of women in French history, surprised by the lack of heroines in her history textbooks (Joan of Arc excepted).
Needless to say, I identified with the little girl. The Wolinskis’ “fearless disrespect” for a history written by white men celebrating white men was an inspiration for me.
Unlikely as it may have seemed then, I, a French woman who grew up in Seine St Denis, am now an historian, specialising in the circulation of Quaker thought, a pacifist religious denomination that considered women’s voice as equal to men’s.
Today, as I type these lines, the French radio surreally emits words such as “Al Qaida in Yemen”, “radicals”, “launch-rockets”, “homage”.
I grew up with the irreverent drawings of Charb, Wolinski and Cabu, with the sound of Bernard Maris’s analyses. Their sometimes tasteless, but always fearless, provocations have always seemed to me a necessary expression born of the fertility of French culture.
They questioned everything: what history is, what people believe in, what and how one should circulate their ideas, and today, their absurd death is the proof that people too often die for their ideas.
But the cultural mourning will take time. As academics, I feel we must take this time and we should not confuse this moment of necessary emotional reaction with one of rational analysis.
Let me say, though, that I feel that, to best defend our academic culture of free speech, we must reflect on its absolute absence in French prisons. [Suspect Chérif Kouachi, 32, was imprisoned for 18 months for his role in a network sending volunteers to fight alongside al-Qaida militants in Iraq between 2003 and 2005.]
From what we know at this time of the suspects, it seems clear indeed that the loss of the irreverent men of Charlie Hebdo is not simply an assault on our intellectual traditions in the name of a completely distorted and misunderstood faith, it is the proof that the inability to express oneself can lead to violence, in any religious or political context.
Perhaps this is another ideal that I share with the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists: I believe that if we let pens and pencils come into prisons rather than ignorance and intolerance, we can make a difference. More...
The mortgage that allows students to buy their own homes
By Patrick Collinson. Some building societies are willing to lend undergraduates 100% of the cost, up to £300,000, to buy a home – with certain guarantees. More...
Joint honours degrees – twice as nice or a timetabling nightmare?
By Rachel Fernie. You’ll be pulled from one set of demands to the other, but a joint honours degree could double your chances in the jobs market. More...
Obama proposes free community college for all Americans
By Associated Press in Washington. White House says government would pick up 75% of the bill, and the remaining quarter would come from states that opt in to the program. More...
An education was my path to financial security. Then I got my student loan bill
By Anthonia Akitunde. A university education is part of the American dream that’s easy to buy or borrow into, but hard to pay off. More...
University is one big popularity contest – but don't try too hard
By Rosalind Jana. Students make lots of snap judgments – in the end though, your real qualities will be what counts. More...