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11 janvier 2015

Tajiks turn to Hollywood to push English

By Nick Holdsworth. Tajikistan’s state broadcaster has started airing Hollywood and Bollywood movies without dubbing or subtitles in an attempt to improve English language learning among school and university students in the Central Asian country. Read more...
11 janvier 2015

Amendment expected to improve government cooperation

By Michael Gardner. Germany’s Upper House has approved a constitutional amendment allowing for more cooperation between the country’s federal and state governments in higher education and research matters, including more federal funding of research facilities. Read more...
11 janvier 2015

Less privileged students shine at university

By Geoff Maslen. An ever-increasing proportion of Australian parents spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year enrolling their offspring in expensive private schools in the belief this will boost their academic performance and their chances of going on to university. Read more...
11 janvier 2015

Excellence schemes ‘should be risking-taking’: EUA

By Nic Mitchell. The European University Association, or EUA, has called on higher education institutions to foster ‘risk-taking’ in their approach to ‘Excellence’ initiatives, in a new report examining ten national schemes across the continent.
The report, Funding for Excellence, looks at higher education ‘excellence schemes’ and their impact on universities in Europe. Read more...
11 janvier 2015

Restrictions on collaboration are ‘hindering’ international research

By Suvendrini Kakuchi. Japan lags behind the United States and the United Kingdom in international research and is being held back by a system that restricts international collaboration and focuses on supporting research for the domestic market, experts said at a recent seminar in Tokyo. Read more...
11 janvier 2015

Plan to send non-EU international graduates home blocked

By David Jobbins. UK Home Secretary Theresa May has been forced to back down on a plan to require all non-EU international students to leave the country on graduation and to apply for new visas if they intend to work in Britain, according to reports in the media. Read more...
11 janvier 2015

Terror attack spreads fear far and beyond the intended target

By Brendan O’Malley – Managing Editor. Welcome to our first edition of 2015. In Features, Zofeen Ebrahim reports that in Pakistan, as schools and universities prepare to reopen after extended closure following the Peshawar attack, students and academics are asking ‘will they be safe?’
In our World Blog, Rahoul Chahouda asks if universities’ strategies for recruiting international students are sustainable.
In Commentary, Jiang Bo and Robert Coelen argue that China is set for a rapid expansion of internationalisation. Marguerite Dennis explores how universities could do more to prepare students for the job market, and Frances Saunders examines UK initiatives to tackle gender bias in physics.
Goolam Mohamedbhai argues that universities should integrate sustainable development into their teaching, research and activities.
In a Special Report this week, we cover the launch of the third phase of HERANA – the Higher Education Research and Advocacy Network in Africa – and look at findings so far from analysis of data collected over six years at flagship universities in eight African countries, as Karen MacGregor reports. Read more...
11 janvier 2015

HERANA III – Emerging research universities in eight African countries

By Karen MacGregor – Africa Editor. In a Special Report this week, we cover the launch of the third phase of HERANA – the Higher Education Research and Advocacy Network in Africa – and look at findings so far from analysis of data collected over six years at flagship universities in eight African countries.
In Africa Features, Mosoba Mosoba describes the Open University of Tanzania’s efforts to expand its presence across the region, and in Africa Analysis Goolam Mohamedbhai calls for universities to integrate sustainable development into all of their teaching, research and engagement activities.
Rahul Choudaha argues in World Blog that universities need to ask themselves four questions to test the sustainability of their international student recruitment strategies.
In Commentary, Marguerite Dennis urges universities to use career counselling as part of efforts to prepare students for the job market. Frances Saunders outlines ways in which Britain’s Institute of Physics is tackling underlying bias against girls in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and Jiang Bo and Robert Coelen chart China’s fast-tracking of higher education internationalisation.
In Global Features, Zofeen T Ebrahim reports on the disruption of education in Pakistan following a Taliban attack on a school last month. Read more...
11 janvier 2015

FAFSA: Opportunity and Obfuscation Eric Stoller. It's a new year and that means it's time for another year of FAFSA applications. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is what helped me qualify for student loans / financial aid when I went to college and it will do the same for thousands of students this year.
Perhaps of most importance for individuals who complete the FAFSA is the EFC or "Expected Family Contribution" index number. Read more...
11 janvier 2015

Sustainability Commandment #8 G. Rendell. Be honest about your impact on the environment and on other people.
None of us can confess all our transgressions and unsustainable behaviors, for the simple reason that none of us knows what (and to what extent) they all are.  Most of us have been raised in a society which, almost by design, discourages us from even thinking about such things.  Convenience is encouraged, even when what we trade for our one-time reduction in effort is the destruction of some amount of a resource which can never (Never, NEVER) be replaced. Read more...

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