By Joshua Kim. The NYTimes is getting it right with The Uphshot.
Who needs Nate Silver and FiveThirtyEight when we can get “news analysis, data visualizations, commentary and historical context” from the staff of the NYTimes? (Actually, FiveThirtyEight and Nate Silver are still pretty great). Read more...
How Killing Your Home Internet Can Boost Your Productivity
By Natascha Chtena. If you’d told me a year ago I’d be writing this post, I would have told you to adjust your meds. But as of today, I’ve lived without home Internet for exactly six months. It wasn’t a planned detox; before going cold turkey, I wouldn’t have thought that doing a PhD without being constantly connected was possible. I even remember questioning the honesty of a friend, who happens to be an engineering PhD, and who, quite some time ago, mentioned that he’s living without an internet connection at home. More...