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11 janvier 2015

How Killing Your Home Internet Can Boost Your Productivity

By Natascha Chtena. If you’d told me a year ago I’d be writing this post, I would have told you to adjust your meds. But as of today, I’ve lived without home Internet for exactly six months. It wasn’t a planned detox; before going cold turkey, I wouldn’t have thought that doing a PhD without being constantly connected was possible. I even remember questioning the honesty of a friend, who happens to be an engineering PhD, and who, quite some time ago, mentioned that he’s living without an internet connection at home. More...

11 janvier 2015

Airlines, Cable, and the Unbundled University Joshua Kim. The NYTimes is getting it right with The Uphshot
Who needs Nate Silver and FiveThirtyEight when we can get “news analysis, data visualizations, commentary and historical context” from the staff of the NYTimes?   (Actually, FiveThirtyEight and Nate Silver are still pretty great). Read more...

11 janvier 2015

3 Lessons from Amazon’s Fire Phone Fiasco Joshua Kim. Austin Carr has a great article on The Real Story Behind Jeff Bezos’s Fire Phone Debacle And What It Means For Amazon’s Future in Fast Company.
Why has the Fire Phone been such a disaster? Carr reports that Bezos modeled his behaviors around the phone design on Steve Jobs. Every decision about the phone’s design went through Bezos. Read more...

11 janvier 2015

An EdTech Space Collaboration Conundrum Joshua Kim. We have an edtech space problem. Our work, if you work at the intersection of learning and technology, increasingly resembles that of a tech startup. The spaces that we work are, however, unlikely to have been designed around how we work today. Edtech work patterns and edtech work rhythms have left our legacy office designs behind. Read more...

11 janvier 2015

The Value Problem in Digital Badging Joshua Kim. Badging in higher ed is one of those topics where my understanding falls short of my curiosity.  It is for this reason that I asked my colleagues Mike Goudzwaard and Michael Evans if they would be willing to write a guest post on some of the issues around badging that our IHE community should be discussing.   Mike G. is an Instructional Designer and Michael E. is a Neukom Fellow in the Neukom Institute for Computational Science, and together they are leading the discussion of digital badging our institution. Read more...

11 janvier 2015

The Most Important Higher Ed Story of 2015 Joshua Kim. The most important higher education story of 2015 will, ironically, be a story published at the end of 2014.  This is the 12/26 NYT’s story by Richard Prichard Pérez-Peña Colleges Reinvent Classes to Keep More Students in Science. Read more...

11 janvier 2015

Khadijah Lynch, James Baldwin, and the Rage of Internet Commenters John Warner. Just before Christmas, as I read the news of “outrage” over Brandeis student Khadijah Lynch’s Tweets in the aftermath of the assassination of two New York City police officers, I thought of James Baldwin. Read more...

11 janvier 2015

'No Discernible Growth' in Online Education Market? online education market showed "no discernible growth" between the fall of 2012 and 2013, according to a preliminary analysis of the federal government's data on students enrolled in distance education courses. The analysis, conducted by higher education consultant Phil Hill, shows that the number of students enrolled in fully online programs grew from 2.63 million to 2.65 million, a margin small enough to be considered statistical noise as many institutions changed how they reported enrollment data during that period. Read more...

11 janvier 2015

Canadian University Punishes Students Over 'Misogynistic' Facebook Group University revealed Monday that it had suspended from clinical activities 13 male dentistry students involved in a Facebook group that joked about chloroforming female students to have sex with them, among other comments, The Globe and Mail reported. The students' behavior first drew attention last month, but at the time the Canadian university's president said the students would not be suspended but would be required to attend face-to-face mediation with the women they were accused of harassing. Read more...

11 janvier 2015

Report: Plans to Merge Georgia State U. With a Community College University System of Georgia will attempt another merger, this time between Georgia State University and a community college, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, citing unnamed sources close to the matter. Read more...

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