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21 août 2013

The French connection Aanchal Bedi. Home to globally-recognised ­education brands, such as La Sorbonne, Sciences Po or Les Gobelins, to name a few, France remains the fourth most popular destination for international students after the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. Last year, almost 2600 students opted for higher education in France, a number that the French government is ­looking to increase by another 50 per cent in the next five years. Low ­tuition fees and the fact that over 700 courses are being taught in English here, are just some of the reasons why Indian students are looking towards France as an option for higher studies.
All international ­students, whether or not they receive additional financial aid, enjoy the same low tuition rates as French students at universities and other public institutions. France’s central government defrays a large share of the true cost of education at public ­institutions (between €10,000 and €14,000 per student per year), thereby reducing the student’s tuition burden. “French universities and other education ­institutions do not distinguish between international students and French students. Also, admission and tuition requirements are the same for both,” says Arnaud Mentre, first counsellor, head of press section. More...

19 août 2013

Apéro, grève, capote… La France expliquée aux étudiants étrangers

 Par Benoît Floc'h. Bizarrement, les mots les plus connus des étudiants étrangers qui choisissent la France ne figurent pas dans l'abécédaire que vient de sortir CampusFrance. Le petit guide de l'agence publique chargée de promouvoir l'enseignement supérieur français ne contient, en effet, ni le mot « circulaire » ni le mot « Guéant »...
« Cette circulaire a été abrogée, comme le ministre d'ailleurs... », plaisante-t-on à CampusFrance. Expulsée, donc, la « circulaire Guéant ». Mais l'« Abécédaire de la vie quotidienne et étudiante en France » contient bien d'autres mots. Pour la première fois, en effet, CampusFrance donne aux étudiants étrangers qui s'installent en France la définition - en français et en anglais - de ceux qu'ils entendront le plus souvent pendant leur séjour. Suite...

19 août 2013

Spain dominates Erasmus student exchange flows Jan Petter Myklebust. Of the 252,827 students exchanged under the Erasmus programme during 2011-12, around 75,000 – 30% – moved between 100 sending or receiving universities. Spain dominated the list, with 31 institutions in the top 100 for both sending and receiving students. The University of Granada was the top sending and top receiving university, sending 2,101 of its students abroad under Erasmus and receiving 2,052 Erasmus students. Among the top 100 receiving institutions, only four were in the United Kingdom and only one – the University of Nottingham – was in the top 100 for sending universities. More...
16 août 2013

ACA’s 20th Anniversary Conference: Internationalisation and international mobility. Where do we stand, where are we heading? long-awaited ACA 20th Anniversary Conference was held in The Hague on 09-11 June. As usual one step ahead of current developments in international education, ACA invited the most outstanding pundits and practitioners of international mobility and internationalisation in Europe to deliberate on the future of student mobility, policies and higher education.
The secret of ACA’s continuing success in shaping higher education policy debates in Europe lies in its ability to ask the right questions and in staying loyal to its constructive esprit critique. Will our graduates become the next intellectuals? Is there any internationalisation without values? What are the drivers of mobility? Who benefits from transnational education and how can we make intercultural education work? How stratified is the world of partnerships and networks?  How should academic cooperation be approached in times of crisis in Europe?
These questions and many more dominate the discussions not only in Europe, but around the world. Over 200 people of countries as diverse as Japan and South Africa, New Zealand and Russia, the USA and Kazakhstan, China and Saudi Arabia, attended ACA’s conference and seemed to be equally preoccupied with these issues.
The 20th anniversary conference was certainly a joyful cause for celebration for ACA, its member organisations and friends. It was also a lot of hard work, especially with the new analytical frameworks being set for mobility windows and the new technology-driven educational trends being grasped.  Analyses of these topical issues will be continued in the coming months at ACA’s popular European Policy Seminars. Stay tuned.

16 août 2013

La mobilité des apprentis en région Bretagne Duclos, responsable du service Projets éducatifs citoyens et mobilité des jeunes au conseil régional de Bretagne, nous explique pourquoi la Bretagne investit dans la mobilité des jeunes apprenants et des apprentis en particulier.
900 d'entre eux sont concernés et effectuent une mobilité d'apprentissage, individuelle ou collective. La région les incite à ces mobilités pour l'acquisition de compétences et invite les CFA bretons à se saisir de cette opportunité dans le cadre d'une démarche qualité.
La région Bretagne participe actuellement à une étude d'impact de la mobilité internationale des apprentis réalisée par le Cereq à la demande de l'agence Europe-Education-Formation France. Les régions sont en effet trés investies dans le financement des mobilités et souhaitent mesurer leur impact sur l'acquisition de compétences et l'employabilité.

16 août 2013

Mobility and lifelong learning instruments are several related initiatives to help make qualifications, experiences and skills better appreciated and easier to recognise throughout the EU. The aim is to give greater access to learning or employment opportunities in different countries and encourage greater mobility – for individuals, businesses and other organisations.

  • The Diploma Supplement (DS) accompanies a higher education diploma, providing a standardized description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder.
  • Europass helps people make their qualifications and skills better understood and recognised throughout Europe, increasing their employment prospects. Its web portal includes interactive tools that, for example, allow users to create a CV in a common European format.

Other tools are being developed for the validation of informal and non-formal learning. Read more about actions to help recognition of qualifications across the EU.

16 août 2013

Council of Europe and European Commission publication on learning mobility and non-formal learning is considered to be important for the personal development and employability of young people, as well as for intercultural dialogue, participation and active citizenship. Learning mobility in the youth field focuses on non-formal learning as a relevant part of youth work, with links to informal learning as well as to formal education. Different stakeholders at European level, particularly the Council of Europe and the European Commission, but also individual member states, foster programmes and strategies to enhance the mobility of young people, and particularly the learning dimension in mobility schemes.
This book on learning mobility is a joint Council of Europe and European Commission publication and provides texts of an academic, scientific, political and practical nature for all stakeholders in the youth field - youth leaders and youth workers, policy makers and researchers. It should contribute to dialogue and co-operation between relevant players and to discussion on the further development and purpose of youth mobility schemes and their outcomes for young people.

2 juin 2013

PhD mobility ebbs and flows, but most graduates return Schwartzman. With 190 million inhabitants and about 592,000 foreign-born residents, Brazil is a relatively closed society, in spite of a long history of African slave trade until the mid-19th century and large inflows of Italian, German, Portuguese and Japanese immigrants until World War I. Today, most of the immigrants come from Portugal, Japan, Italy, Spain and border countries such as Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina and Uruguay. About a fifth – 140,000 – have higher education degrees, coming mostly from Portugal, Italy, Argentina and Spain, according to data from the 2010 National Household Census. Brazil graduates about 12,000 doctoral students a year in its universities, up from 4,000 in 1998, and they go on to work mostly in the higher education sector and research (77%). Read more...
8 mars 2013

Internationalisation and international mobility 20 year anniversary conference: Internationalisation and international mobility. Where do we stand, where are we heading?
The Hague, 9-11 June 2013. Co-organised by Nuffic.

ACA’s Annual Conferences have become a synonym for high-quality information, analysis and discussion on current policy and practice-related issues in the area of European and international higher education. They bring together central actors and decision-makers in higher education, such as rectors, vice-rectors, faculty and international relations staff, as well as policy-makers and practitioners from government departments, international institutions, non-governmental organisations and think tanks. And they offer opportunities for learning, exchange and networking at a high level. 
The 2013 Annual Conference will be no exception to this rule, but it is a special event nonetheless. In 2013, ACA will celebrate its 2Oth anniversary.  The conference will be a core element in the celebrations of the jubilee.  For this occasion, we thought it appropriate to return to those themes which were at the centre of our Association’s interest at the time of foundation in 1993 and which always remained high on ACA’s agenda: internationalization and international mobility.  We will deal with these issues in plenaries, but more than in the past also in workshops, to enhance interaction between participants.  The two-day event will take place in The Hague in the Netherlands, and will be preceded by a welcome reception and a social programme on 9 June.
6 novembre 2012

Baromètre sur la mobilité des cadres

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Un cadre supérieur sur cinq a bougé en 2012, d’après le baromètre MobiCadres publié par les cabinets Deloitte et Nomination. Les deux principales motivations avancées sont le développement professionnel et le contenu du poste.
La mobilité externe est montée à 46,6% contre 42,5% en 2011. Ce mouvement pourrait se poursuivre au cours des prochaines années, puisque plus de la moitié des décideurs envisagent de changer de poste à moyen terme.
Sont cités l’envie d’étendre leur champ de responsabilités (45%), le sentiment d’avoir atteint les limites du poste qu’ils occupent (34%), une perspective d’évolution de carrière plus importante (34%) et l’opportunité de découvrir un nouveau métier ou un nouveau secteur (28%).
Pour ces décideurs, situés en haut de la hiérarchie en termes de salaires et de responsabilités, les leviers relatifs à la reconnaissance comme la rémunération ou l’opportunité d’une promotion sont relégués au second plan.
Pour la mobilité interne, les cadres s’appuient essentiellement sur leur hiérarchie (65%). Ceux qui ont changé d’entreprise ont compté sur leur réseau personnel ou professionnel (47%) et 25% ont été contactés par un cabinet de chasse de têtes.
Consulter le baromètre.

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes) A senior five moved in 2012, according to the barometer MobiCadres published by Deloitte and Appointment. The two main reasons are advanced professional development and job content.
This trend could continue in the coming years, as more than half of the makers are planning to change jobs in the medium term. Consult the barometer. More...
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