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15 septembre 2013

ILO training centre and ETF to offer course in career guidance

ILO training centre and ETF to offer course in career guidance
The ILO's International Training Centre (ITC-ILO) and the ETF will jointly offer a new training and knowledge-sharing course on career guidance policies and practices. The training in Turin, Italy, on 21-25 October 2013 is designed for planners and decision...
25 novembre 2012

Euroguidance: 20 ans! Nouveaux outils, nouveaux usages

Euroguidance: 20 ans! Nouveaux outils, nouveaux usages
Euroguidance : 20 ans ! Nouveaux outils, nouveaux usages Mercredi, 12 Décembre 2012 - Paris Euroguidance organise les troisièmes rencontres nationales du réseau qui rassembleront les professionnels impliqués dans les questions d'orientation tout au long...
5 mai 2010

The quality of guidance services gives rise to debate

The quality of guidance services gives rise to debate
The quality of guidance services has become a crucial public policy-making issue in OECD membercountries. In order to improve this quality, some countries are setting up competence standards, introducing market mechanisms or specific managerial procedures....
28 janvier 2010

Training and careers guidance for people over 50

Training and careers guidance for people over 50
NIACE believes that the UK cannot afford to waste the talents of older workers as it emerges from recession. This is the main message of its response to the Government's consultation on the default retirement age, and is clearly supported by the report...
16 juin 2009

1st International Conference University Guidance versus Tertiary Pedagogy, Prague, 29th – 30th June 2009

1st International Conference University Guidance versus Tertiary Pedagogy, Prague, 29th – 30th June 2009
Coherence, cooperation and duality of the University guidance systems in the 21st century Complex approach to the university guidance and its interference with tertiary education. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, (Česká zemědělská univerzita...
3 juin 2008

Career guidance in restructuring enterprises: designing effective strategies to support redundant workers

Career guidance in restructuring enterprises: designing effective strategies to support redundant workers
AO/ECVL/RLAR/GuidanceRestructuring/008/08. Deadline: 20 August 2008. The purpose of this invitation to tender is to launch a study on the contributions of career guidance and counselling to socially responsible restructuring. In particular, the study...
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