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Formation Continue du Supérieur
3 juin 2008

Career guidance in restructuring enterprises: designing effective strategies to support redundant workers

AO/ECVL/RLAR/GuidanceRestructuring/008/08. Deadline: 20 August 2008.
The purpose of this invitation to tender is to launch a study on the contributions of career guidance and counselling to socially responsible restructuring.  In particular, the study will consider how career guidance can be most successfully and cost-effectively delivered to support displaced workers or soon-to-be displaced workers due to restructuring. The study will highlight examples of commendable practice and effective policies in different economic sectors.
This call has been published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Communities 2008/S 110-146920 of 07.06.2008. Deadline of submitting tenders: 20.08.2008 (17h00 for hand-delivered tenders)
Requests for clarification concerning this call for tender, if any, will be published under this banner.  Please visit Cedefop's website frequently for updates. If you are downloading these documents from our website, kindly send us an e-mail ( notifying us.

51 abonnés
Depuis la création 2 795 409
Formation Continue du Supérieur