Migrants voluntarily working in another country, temporary foreign workers and refugees: those are the three types of migrants analysed by the last issue of the LLinE journal (Lifelong Learning in Europe) in cooperation with the InfoNet adult education correspondents’ network, dedicated to mobility and migration. Learning is a must for the migrants – and also their strongest asset; that is the challenge ahead on adult educators and that is what LLinE tries to bring fresh perspectives on.
Lifelong Learning Week - LLL Week 2013
Today, the concept of “lifelong learning” (LLL) is widely used but its meaning differs according to whom is using it. According to EUCIS-LLL, lifelong learning covers education and training across all ages and in all areas of life be it formal, non-formal or informal. It shall enable citizen’s emancipation and full participation in society in its civic, social and economic dimensions. The idea of organising Lifelong Learning Weeks aims to raise awareness on Lifelong Learning (LLL) in Europe and to put forward the need to adopt a holistic approach at all levels of decision-making, implementation and evaluation. This is necessary if we want the EU to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy as set in the Europe 2020 strategy.
LLL Week 2013
EUCIS-LLL organises its 3rd Lifelong Learning Week in the European Parliament, Brussels, from 2 to 6 December 2013. This year, the Week will have a particular focus on the upcoming European Elections of Spring 2014. At this occasion EUCIS-LLL will launch its Manifesto for the European elections and many events will take place in order to to provide ideas on how to modernise education and training systems in Europe. Go to the LLL Week 2013 website and check out all the events that will take place on the future of Learning in Europe.
Past Lifelong Learning Week
LLL Week 2012: “Rethinking skills: A civil society perspective”
The aim of Lifelong Learning Week, organised for the first time in 2011 by EUCIS-LLL, is to raise awareness on the social dimension of education and training, as the important factor to reach the headline targets of Europe 2020 in … Learn more
LLL Week 2011: “Different Pathways to Learning”
“Different Pathways to Learning”, Permanent Exhibition, 14-17 March During the Week, EUCIS-LLL and its members organised an exhibition on “Different pathways to learning” within the European Parliament aiming at raising awareness on Lifelong Learning and on the various actors that … Learn more