16th eucen Conference | Lifelong Learning: Links between Western and Central Europe
The 16th eucen European Conference took place in October 1998 in Warsaw (PL). More...
The 16th eucen European Conference took place in October 1998 in Warsaw (PL). More...
The 15th eucen Conference took place in May 1998 in Örebro (SE). More...
The 14th eucen European Conference took place in October 1997 in Dublin (IE).
In our modern societies, originality and creative talent are prized as rarely before. The routine application of old knowledge, behaviours based on custom and obedience are of steadily diminishing relevance. So it would seem, at least, from the growing number of attempts to define and promote the merits of a learning society. More...
The 13th eucen European Conference was hosted by Continuing Education Centres of the Universities of Fribourg, Genève, Lausanne, Neuchâtel and the EPFL in Lausanne (CH). More...
The 12th eucen Conference was organized by the Center of Further Education (COF) at the University of Catania (IT), in October 1996. More...
The 11th eucen European Conference was held in Nantes (FR).
Programme :
1- Perspectives et enjeux de l´éducation continue à distance, nouvelle définition des services à la collectivité. Par Marc Michel, Professeur à l´Université de Strasbourg 2 et président de la Conférence des Directeurs de Formation Continue.
2- Les pratiques ouvertes de formation à distance, en enjeux pour les politiques publiques. Par Marcel Albert, Président de la Commission Formation Professionnelle au Conseil Régional des Pays de La Loire.
3- Allocution de Monsieur le Recteur Christian Forestier. Directeur Général des Enseignements Supérieurs, réprésentant le Ministre de l´Education Nationale, de l´Enseignement Supérieur de la Recherche.
4- Intervention de Madame Edith Cresson, European Commissioner and Chancellor of eucen
-Présentation du Livre Blanc "Enseigner et Apprendre" vers la societé cognitive.
-Émergence de nouveaux besoins et services à travers le développement du multimédia et de l'autoformation.
-L'école de la seconde chance. More...
The 10th eucen European Conference was held in Kortrijk, (BE). It was hosted by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and the Universite Ch. de Gaulle Lille 3, FCEP. More...
The 9th eucen European conference was hosted by the Continuing Education Centre of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
The Friday morning session was dedicated to areas of particular expertise in Scottish continuing education with the participation of four Scottish universities. Friday afternoon was devoted to networking and team- building through a Market Place (where delegates could meet others with similar interests) and two workshops (where delegates could work with each other as part of a team). Saturday morning was focused on the main theme of the conference: The Funding of Continuing Education and, after an overview, comparative data was received from Scotland, Sweden and France. More...
The 8th eucen European conference was hosted by the University of Patras in Olympia (GR).
The first day of the conference started out with an opening session, followed by the experience of Greek Universities continuing education and multimedia methods in university continuing education. More...
The 6th eucen Conference took place in October 1993 in Porto (PT).
The 6th eucen European conference was hosted by the Rector of the University of Porto, Prof. Alberto Amaral. The theme was - Motivating Academia for Continuing Education. More...