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5 juillet 2019


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Stephen Downes[Edit][Delete]: Hellodeo, July 19, 2006
I'm not sure whether this will work - but I'll certainly give it a try. This is a test recording from a n ew service from the people at Odeo: Hellodeo.
So, try clicking on the video, and let me know how it came out (and let me know if you read this post on email, RSS, the web, or whatever). And if you couldn't see it, you can always view the video here. [Tags: ] [Comment]. More...
5 juillet 2019

An Educator Discovers his SecondLife

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Terry Anderson[Edit][Delete]: An Educator Discovers his SecondLife, Virtual Canuck [Edit][Delete] July 19, 2006
Nice breezy description of Second Life from an educator's point of view. Terry Anderson notes that it requires a lot of computer power (he had to shut down other applications) and may require more bandwidth than some users have. he also comments, "Creating an educational environment in close proximity to enterprise focused on sex, rock and roll and gambling, presents a host of moral and ethical concerns." Of course, my thinking is a bit different: why would the emphasis be on 'creating an educational environment'? Why do people always want to build a 'campus' or 'school' in these artificial environments. More...
5 juillet 2019

Still Head Scracthing at Technorati

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Alan Levine[Edit][Delete]: Still Head Scracthing at Technorati, Cogdogblog [Edit][Delete]CogDogBlog [Edit][Delete] July 18, 2006
The A-List blogosphere has been remarkably quiet about this, and people keep quoting Technorati State of the Blogosphere figures uncritically, but Alan Levine is quite right to question the aggregator's credibility. I also do my own ego-surfing and have wondered about the mysterious changes in ranking, inconsistent numbers of links, and just plain weirdness (like jumping from "19 posts in the last 7 hours" to "19 posts in the last 5 days" as happened as I typed up this item, a span of about 5 minutes). More...

5 juillet 2019 - An Elgg for Teacher collaboration

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Dave Cormier[Edit][Delete]: - An Elgg for Teacher collaboration, July 18, 2006
Another new online learning community. Dave Cormier writes, "Alex and Arvind have set up an elgg at Go sign up. Join the party." That's all very fine, but when I see things like that, I always ask, "What's wrong with what I am doing here?" The point is, these communities always want me to go there - but then my comments are spread all over the net under different identities. I want to stay here - if an ELGG wants my comments, why can't it pull them from a (filtered?) RSS feed, and if it wants me to read the comments of it's members, why can't it send (via an API?) a comment. More...

5 juillet 2019

Evidence of the efficacy of Active Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mark Morton[Edit][Delete]: Evidence of the efficacy of Active Learning, EDUCAUSE Blogs [Edit][Delete] July 18, 2006
No doubt people will enjoy this. The author writes, "I reviewed a number of studies of the efficacy of Active Learning, extracted the most salient passages, and pulled them together into a single document." Not that many examples, but how many quotes do you need like this. More...

5 juillet 2019

TED Talks

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Various authors[Edit][Delete]: TED Talks, July 13, 2006
I spent the afternoon listening to these talks (instead of preparing slide decks (bad Stephen, no cookie!)). Al Gore's talk was great ("Put yourself in my position..." he says, to general laughter). Majora Carter's talk was passionate and motivational. And Tony Robbins was a lot more lucid - and correct - than I had anticipated would be the case. More...

5 juillet 2019

China Suspends AP History Tests

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. The Chinese government ordered that Advanced Placement tests in history be suspended, Reuters reported. The suspensions of the tests -- which students take to try to earn credit at American colleges -- are part of a broader campaign by Beijing to bring history education in line with a version approved by the Chinese Communist Party. More...

4 juillet 2019

U of Vermont Apologizes for '30s Eugenics Research

HomeBy Doug Lederman. The University of Vermont last week apologized for eugenics research conducted by its professors more than 80 years ago, Seven Days reported. More...

4 juillet 2019

Thoughts About the $100 Laptop Project

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Alfred Thompson[Edit][Delete]: Thoughts About the $100 Laptop Project, Computer Science Teacher [Edit][Delete] July 12, 2006
So what does Microsoft think of the $100 laptop project, especially given that the computers will use Linux operating systems. This blog post isn't an official response, but as it comes from a Microsoft staffer we can get an insight into how they may feel. And how they feel, in a word, is critical. The Linux system, he writes, "has an amazingly poorly designed user interface that is unnecessarily complex". More...

4 juillet 2019

Feature - Download a la Mode Series

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Miguel Guhlin[Edit][Delete]: Feature - Download a la Mode Series, Around the Corner [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
It's hard to go wrong with resource, a list of basic educational technology how-to articles varying from how to install an FTP server to how ease concerns abput data theft or loss. Both text-based articles and audio recordings are available. More...

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