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20 février 2020

Computing Education Lessons Learned from the 2010’s: What I Got Wrong

Computing Education Lessons Learned from the 2010’s: What I Got Wrong
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Computing Education Lessons Learned from the 2010’s: What I Got Wrong Mark Guzdial, Computing Education Research Blog, 2020/01/14The bulk of this post is devoted to the question of whether constructionism is the way...
17 février 2020

Platforms and big data in ELT – a look back at the last decade

Platforms and big data in ELT – a look back at the last decade
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Platforms and big data in ELT – a look back at the last decade Philip Kerr, Adaptive Learning in ELT, 2020/01/07This post mostly looks at the sad saga of Knewton. "It was clear, from very early on (see, for example,...
14 février 2020

Why (And How) I Just Canceled All My Music Subscriptions

Why (And How) I Just Canceled All My Music Subscriptions
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Why (And How) I Just Canceled All My Music Subscriptions Although it was obvious to me (and presumably to readers of OLDaily) that signing up for a DRM-enabled music rental service would be a bad idea, we get confirmation...
14 février 2020

At 71, Physics Professor Is a Web Star

At 71, Physics Professor Is a Web Star
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. At 71, Physics Professor Is a Web Star Nice story about an MIT professor who is able to awe people with physics and has gained a global following as a result. My own take is that the world is filled with fascinating...
14 février 2020

EduSpaces Shutting Down

EduSpaces Shutting Down
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. EduSpaces Shutting Down Elgg (aka EduSpaces) is shutting down as of January 10. An email was just sent to all members. Users will be able to export their blogs in RSS or HTML. No explanation for the shutdown was given....
14 février 2020


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. HASTAC As described by Academic Commons, "HASTAC is a virtual university. It is a voluntary international network that spans disciplines, institutions, the boundary of higher education and K-12, libraries, museums and...
14 février 2020

A Few Months Back...

A Few Months Back...
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Few Months Back... The Simpsons did a parody of Noah Kalina's Everyday video, a montage of photos of his face, one taken each day. But what makes the video work is the haunting background music by Carly Comando, and...
14 février 2020

Didactics of Microlearning

Didactics of Microlearning
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Didactics of Microlearning I agree with George Siemens: "I find informal publishing in blogs and online articles more rewarding than traditional publishing processes. The feedback on what I write informally is more immediate...
14 février 2020

More Thoughts On Eduspaces

More Thoughts On Eduspaces
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. More Thoughts On Eduspaces The impending closure of EduSpaces is still top-of-mind for many people. "The big issue for me," writes Graham Attwell, "is whether when a small company develops such a product and service,...
14 février 2020

Future School: Reshaping Learning From the Ground Up

Future School: Reshaping Learning From the Ground Up
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Future School: Reshaping Learning From the Ground Up I read Future Shock and (more importantly) The Third Wave when I was a lot younger, and consequently, Alvin Toffler was an important intellectual influence on my thinking....
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