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1 mai 2017

Gender Gaps Shrinking and Lingering

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. New research suggests limited role for gender in predicting whether new Ph.D.s will get tenure-track jobs, but notable differences on pay and other issues, favoring men. More...

1 mai 2017

Mixité des métiers : "des progrès très lents" selon l'Igas

Bandeau retour page d'accueilL'Inspection générale des affaires sociales (Igas) et l'Inspection générale de l'administration de l'Education nationale et de la Recherche (IGAENR) viennent de rendre public un rapport sur l'"Évaluation des actions publiques en faveur de la mixité des métiers". Voir l'article...

29 avril 2017

Women in ICT & engineering: #Gender barriers & solutions #educon17

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. At Educon one of the main sessions was focusing on the gendered challenges within engineering, which fits with today's ‘girls in ICT’ day. The educon panel was sharing their own stories (being female pioneers, or lack of role models), the clear barrier related to policies stereotyping gender roles, constructed family values allocated to boys and girls, need for dedicated female networks, and the clear glass ceiling when looking at leadership roles for women in IT and engineering). Read more...

29 avril 2017

College sports needs more women — and women of color — in coaching ranks

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Colleges are the worst employers for women and people of color in sports, and last season's hiring practices were as bad as ever. More...

29 avril 2017

Partnership focused on protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. For LGBTQ+ individuals living in the United States, gaining equal rights under the law has been a long, sometimes violent path. It wasn't until 2015 that the Supreme Court of the United States struck down laws banning same-sex marriage as violations of the 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection. More...

29 avril 2017

Cracks in the glass ceiling for women in higher ed

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. It is even more fitting this year, the 100th anniversary of New York state granting women the right to vote. More...

29 avril 2017

Furor in China over team’s banner: ‘Keep homosexuality far from campus’

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Huazhong University of Science and Technology in central China was known for its relatively welcoming attitude toward gay and lesbian people. Students waved rainbow flags at graduation, and the school hosted events featuring gay authors and artists. More...

29 avril 2017

Small gains in closing the gender pay gap in higher ed

University Business LogoBy Tim Goral. In last 15 years, women college administrators earn approximately 80% less than men. More...

29 avril 2017

Why I joined the trans protest against Woman's Hour's Jenni Murray

The Guardian homeByAcademics Anonymous. I’m angry that the Woman’s Hour host, who said that trans women are not ‘real women’, was allowed to talk unopposed at my university. That is why I had to stand in solidarity with my trans friends. More...

29 avril 2017

The transgender bathroom controversy: Four essential reads

The ConversationOn Feb. 22, President Donald Trump’s administration revoked protections allowing transgender students to use the bathrooms of their chosen gender identity. The joint letter from the Justice Department and Education Department rescinds the May 2016 guidelines issued by former President Barack Obama. More...

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