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6 juillet 2018

Repéré par Défi métiers - 2 Juillet 2018

Chaque semaine, Défi métiers propose une sélection d'informations clés pour les professionnels de la formation et de l'emploi en Ile-de-France.

Lancement de la fondation Femmes@Numériques, le 27 juin 2018, en présence du ministre de l’Education nationale. Créée sous l'égide de la Fondation de France, elle rassemble plus de 40 associations. Elle a pour objectif de favoriser la féminisation des métiers du numérique et mener des actions de sensibilisatiion auprès d'adolescentes, de collégiennes, de lycéennes, d'étudiantes ou de femmes en recherche d'emploi.
Ministère de l’Education nationale, le 27/06/2018. Plus...

5 juillet 2018

Ouvrir les métiers du bâtiment aux rennaises grâce aux clauses sociales

Dans le cadre des grands chantiers rennais (quartier Eurorennes, nouvelle ligne de métro...), Rennes métropole mobilise les clauses sociales pour ouvrir les champs des possibles aux femmes.
Source :

5 juillet 2018

Egalité professionnelle. Le monde du cinéma s'empare du sujet

En France, rappelle-t-elle, le budget moyen d'un film réalisé par une femme est de 2,6 millions d'euros contre 6,5 millions pour un film d'homme.
Source :

23 juin 2018

Highly qualified women in higher ed line up to lead

University Business Magazine logoAcademia continues to evolve for women aspiring to move into leadership positions. Once a career environment that offered few opportunities and minimal support for women’s leadership, the situation is improving for faculty and administrative positions, at colleges and universities, public and private, large and small. More...

22 juin 2018

When do children develop their gender identity?

Screenshot-2018-5-7 Education – Views Research – The ConversationGender is generally thought of as a stable trait: we are born male or female and we stay that way as we grow from small children to adults. More...

21 juin 2018

How female protagonists have changed – and stayed the same – in young adult fiction

Screenshot-2018-5-7 Education – Views Research – The ConversationStrong female protagonists in young adult fiction are nothing new. From Nancy Drew to Annemarie Johansen – Lois Lowry’s selfless heroine in Holocaust-era “Number the Stars” – to a plucky young Lucy Pevensie in “The Chronicles of Narnia,” young adult fiction has always enjoyed a healthy share of women ready to figure it all out, enlighten, and sometimes literally save the day. More...

21 juin 2018

‘Gendered language’ off limits at universities

In a move towards gender neutrality, some universities in Australia have taken to banning words with gendered meaning such as ‘she’, ‘mankind’ and ‘workmanship’, which are among the terms that have been banned, reports Newshub.
As a result, students are losing marks on assignments if they are seen to be using language that isn't inclusive. Queensland University of Technology has employed the policy, excluding terms such as ‘wife of’ or ‘mother of’ as exclusive words, and has deemed the suffix ‘man’ as sexist. The University of Sydney claims it would prefer its students to just be grammatically incorrect over being politically incorrect
. More...
16 juin 2018

Gender Gap Without Gender Bias?

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Study says editors of major political science journals demonstrate no systematic bias against female authors. Yet women authors remain underrepresented in the field. More...

16 juin 2018

Dude, Women Also Know History

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Making excuses for all-male conference panels (or citations or syllabi) just got harder. Inspired by the work of Women Also Know Stuff, an awareness campaign about the work of female political scientists, female historians recently launched Woman Also Know History. More...

16 juin 2018

Women are less likely to be replaced by robots and might even benefit from automation

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Research shows women are better positioned than men to resist the automation of work and possibly even benefit from it. Women are overrepresented in industries that require high levels of social skills and empathy (such as nursing, teaching and care work), where it would be difficult to replace a human worker with automation. More...

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