La Fondation Femmes@numérique réunit 40 associations et 42 entreprises pour la féminisation des métiers du Numérique et porte l’ambition de développer l’emploi des femmes dans le numérique. Plus...
Femmes@numerique | Développer les compétences des femmes et leur emploi dans le numérique
Un tiers seulement des salariés des métiers du numérique sont des femmes, ce qui pose des enjeux à la fois économiques et sociétaux. La transformation numérique est indispensable à la collectivité, or les entreprises peinent à recruter, d’une part. D’autre part, il n’est pas admissible que la société numérique, aux impacts croissants sur notre quotidien ne soit pensée, développée et gouvernée que par des hommes. Plus...
La mixité dans les entreprises des Hauts-de-France
La Direccte Hauts-de-France a cofinancé une étude intitulée « Impact des actions de mixité dans les entreprises des Hauts-de-France », réalisée par le Conseil Recherche Ingénierie et Formation (CORIF) du 1er juin 2017 au 31 janvier 2018. Plus...
Elections professionnelles : la Cour de cassation rappelle les règles en matière de représentativité équilibrée des femmes
Par trois arrêts des mois de mai et juin, la Cour de cassation a eu l’occasion de rappeler les règles en matière de représentativité des femmes et des hommes dans les listes de candidats aux élections professionnelles. Plus...
Victorian Trades Hall Council Women’s Conference (Advocate 25 02)
This was my first Union Women’s conference and three things struck me from the outset. First, the number of passionate, confident and articulate women from a diverse range of backgrounds who were prepared to unite for collective action. I met personal care workers, nurses, teachers, electricians and hospitality workers all passionate and enthusiastic advocates for women in their sector and the community more broadly. More...
Women’s Action Network at ANU (Advocate 25 02)
We were conscious that, though the Women’s Action Committee (WAC) does a lot of great work at the national level including publishing Agenda, there was a gap which needed to be filled in terms of some coordinated local campaigning. More...
A queer celebration (Advocate 25 02)
Buoyed by the overwhelmingly positive outcome of the marriage equality campaign, it’s easy to think everything’s rosy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) communities and cultures. IDAHOBIT reminds us that:
- 53% of Australian lesbians and gay men experience workplace harassment and discrimination.
- Unemployment for transgender people in Australia is about four times that of the general population and eight times for gender diverse people.
- The death penalty can be applied in 10 countries for same-sex acts.
- Across the world, sexual and gender minorities face public stigmatisation, police violence, state repression, attacks and murder. Their most basic human rights are denied daily. More...
Imprisoned for ‘Dabbling in feminism’ (Advocate 25 02)
When sociocultural anthropologist, Professor Homa Hoodfar spoke at the opening session of a recent conference in Berlin on ‘The University and the Future of Democracy’ about her research and teaching in Iran, it sounded like familiar terrain. Australian colleagues would take it for granted that they could examine sociocultural mores in marriage in our society, without being arrested for ‘dabbling in feminism’. More...
Bluestocking women changed the rules, and so will we (Advocate 25 02)
NTEU’s national Women’s Action Committee (WAC) are excited because the ACTU Change the Rules campaign identified that the headline reasons for changing the employment laws are that the current rules are not helping achieve gender pay equity, secure jobs or equality for women workers. More...
Ending discrimination of workers employed in faith based organisations (Advocate 25 02)
NTEU delegates at the ACTU Congress in July will be asked to support a motion in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer (LGBTIQ+) workers. More...