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14 mai 2016

Imagination, Microchip and Digilent deliver IoT curriculum

eCampus NewsImagination Technologies (IMG.L) and Microchip Technology, together with Digilent Inc. have launched the Connected MCU Lab, a new course developed through the companies’ respective university programs. More...

5 mai 2016

Croatia - comprehensive curriculum reform

Home Comprehensive curriculum reform is under way in Croatia, guided by the 2014 Strategy for education, science and technology. The first segment of the reform, creating 52 new curriculum documents, was completed at the end of February 2016. More...

3 mai 2016

Politics Vs International Relations: Which Should You Study?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""By Sabrina Collier. Are you unsure about whether you should study politics or international relations? These similar subjects suit different interests, and can each be useful for entering different political careers. More...

22 mars 2016

Green curriculum: Sustainable learning in higher education

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThe United Nations (UN) constituted 2005–2014 as the decade for educational sustainable development when bridges have to be built between academic institutions and their communities. In this article I will therefore do a literature search from 2005–2011 on what it means to be a sustainable university with a sustainable curriculum by looking at case studies from other higher education institutions in order to begin to give guidelines for such an endeavour in an open and distance learning (ODL) institution. More...

1 mars 2016

Curriculum changes contradict vision for Britain’s creative future

The ConversationBy . The government is pulling simultaneously in two different directions when it comes to how seriously it takes the creative industries. At a speech at the first birthday of the Creative Industries Federation in January, chancellor George Osborne argued that public investment in creative industries was “an investment in who we are as a nation”. He also recognised the importance of “art for art’s sake”. More...
17 février 2016

Urgent need for new curricula, academics and innovation

By Wachira Kigotho. There has been extraordinary expansion of higher education in Ethiopia, with the number of public universities increasing from two in 2000 to 35 today. But the burgeoning sector might not deliver quick economic growth because universities do not have the capacity to drive the development agenda or innovation, says a World Bank report. Read more...
21 janvier 2016

Thinking Together: A Duoethnographic Inquiry Into the Implementation of a Field Experience Curriculum

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Thinking Together: A Duoethnographic Inquiry Into the Implementation of a Field Experience Curriculum
Jackie Seidel, Laurie Hill, in education, 2016/01/12
As an empiricist, I am both fascinated and challenged by the papers in in education. They do not, to say the least, follow the typical pseudo-scientific methodology of sample group, interventions and analysis employed by putative research journals in our field. More...

18 janvier 2016

World insight: Developing an internationally relevant curriculum

By Charles Bailyn. Heated debate and hours of staff time are worth it if students get the courses they need, says Charles Bailyn. More...

27 décembre 2015

A watershed for Scottish education

By David Istance. First, the programme is at a “watershed” as a statement of fact: the main curriculum programme has now been implemented, and the overhaul of teachers’ education and qualifications is nearly complete. This is watershed meaning “key transition moment”. More...

21 décembre 2015

The Perfect Storm: 4 Conditions Align for a Revolution in Curriculum Development Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. For good economic and pedagogical reasons, by and large computers have been used in K-12 classrooms as supplemental, not as essential, elements of the curriculum. More...

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