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30 mai 2018

First-of-its-kind gene editing curriculum emerges at community college

eCampus NewsThrough a local industry partnership, a community college is exposing students to gene editing curriculum and real-world experience. More...

21 mai 2018

Why sexting must be on the curriculum

Screenshot-2018-5-7 Education – Views Research – The ConversationA recent controversial segment on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle discussed whether schools should teach students about “sexting” (sharing sexually explicit images or videos through electronic means). In Canada’s largest province, the leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative party recently vowed to repeal the sex-education curriculum if elected premier in next month’s election. More...

21 avril 2018

Reviving the Curriculum

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Will proposal for streamlined general-education program at Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences give the curriculum new life? Can new approaches to language and diversity engage students who might otherwise lose interest. More...

9 avril 2018

Microsoft Education and Open Up Resources announce partnership to deliver top rated math curriculum

Microsoft Education and Open Up Resources announce partnership to deliver top rated math curriculum
Microsoft Education Blog, 2018/03/28
I don't whether the the curriculum is actually "top rated" or whether that's just marketing bile (I suspect the latter) but what's important here is that Microsoft is integrating "full-course OER curricula, standards-aligned, and provided for free to promote instructional equity" into its OneNote application. More...

3 avril 2018

Proposed new curriculum heralds changes for universities

By Christabel Ligami. Higher learning institutions in Kenya may be required to transform their current education systems in accordance with a proposed new education curriculum aimed at producing employable graduates, expected to be rolled out next year. More...
1 avril 2018

1er cycle : 5 schémas innovants ?

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. J’ai annoncé une suite à cette chronique. La voici : cinq nouveaux schémas organisationnels en 1er cycle

  • Sciences Po Collège universitaire (depuis 2009).
  • Cycle pluridisciplinaires d’études supérieures (depuis 2012, COMUE Université Paris Sciences et Lettres).
  • Bachelor Affaires Internationales (depuis 2016, École de management de Strasbourg).
  • École universitaire de premier cycle Paris Saclay (en projet).
  • Undergraduate College (en projet, Comue université Paris Seine).

Présentation de ces cinq schémas par ordre chronologique de création et références à des chroniques du blog. Plus...

7 mars 2018

L’IMT Lille-Douai présente son nouveau cursus

Blog "HEDway" d'Olivier Rollot. La phase de fusion administrative entre Mines Douai et Télécom Lille achevée il restait maintenant au tout nouveau IMT Lille-Douai à présenter un cursus unique. Toute la question étant de savoir s’il fallait conserver la spécificité du cursus lillois au sein des écoles de l’Institut Mines Télécom : être une formation postbac. Plus...

28 février 2018

Consent may soon be required as part of sex ed curriculum

University Business Magazine logoA proposal to expand Missouri’s sexual education curriculum to require discussion about consent, sexual assault and violence started with a meeting between a state lawmaker and a group of MU students. More...

28 janvier 2018

The power of an integrated business and liberal arts curriculum in higher ed

University Business Magazine logoWhat’s more important in higher education: preparing for a profession or attaining a well-rounded liberal arts education? The answer is that in today’s world both are critical. More...

26 janvier 2018

Des cursus pour réorienter les étudiants désorientés

Plusieurs établissements, universitaires ou privés, proposent d’accompagner les étudiants qui n’ont pas trouvé leur voie afin de trouver un cursus qui leur convient davantage. Plus...

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