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Formation Continue du Supérieur
9 septembre 2015

Des cursus toujours très pros

Logo Liaisons Sociales MagazinePar Eric Béal. Accueil des salariés, professionnalisation, international… Les MBA et masters RH en formation continue doivent répondre à de nombreux défis. Nous avons passé les cursus au peigne fin pour mettre en avant les plus performants. Voir l'article...

9 septembre 2015

Interdisciplinary Programming and the Pathway to Differentiation

Evolllution Logo, click to return to homepageBy Paul George - Evolllution. The medical education marketplace is immensely competitive and the number of institutions participating grows every academic year. While demand for medical education is growing annually, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for institutions to set themselves apart. More...

8 septembre 2015

Emerging field has huge potential for college and university curricula

eCampus NewsBy Bridget McCrea. Data analytics is gaining traction as a new career option for college graduates. Here’s how one institution is grabbing the opportunity and helping students prepare for jobs in the field. More...

30 août 2015

11 bizarre college courses we actually want to take

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. With the school year starting up again, NewsFeed looks back at some of the most unusual courses that have been offered at colleges and universities nationwide in recent years. More...

21 août 2015

Austria - learning outcome-oriented curricula for adult educators

HomeThe Austrian academy of continuing education (Weiterbildungsakademie, WBA) validates and recognises formally, non-formally and informally acquired competences of adult educators and awards two-stage degrees against set standards: a WBA certificate and, for certificate holders, a WBA diploma. WBA aims to professionalise adult education in Austria without offering continuing education and training itself. It acknowledges prior learning results and offers guidance on the acquisition of missing skills. In May 2015 WBA registered its 2000th application since its foundation in 2007. More...

17 août 2015

New curriculum for college students with visual impairments

eCampus NewsLearning Ally, a national nonprofit organization, has announced its new College Success Program, designed specifically for students attending college who are blind and visually impaired. More...

16 août 2015

‘Machine Teaching’ Is Seen as Way to Develop Personalized Curricula

By . Researchers at the University of Wisconsin at Madison say they are getting closer to designing a system to deliver the ideal lesson plan for each student, through a process they call “machine teaching.” More...

12 juillet 2015

Paris : 250 places en L1 AES !

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Suite des chroniques inspirées par mes discussions avec le président de la Fédération nationale des Associations Représentatives des Étudiants en sciences Sociales (ARES) : Propositions de l’ARES ; Il faut fermer la filière d’administration économique et sociale (AES) ! L’ARES est évidemment opposée à cette fermeture. Suite...

12 juillet 2015

Il faut fermer la filière AES !

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Suite de la chronique Propositions de l’ARES (FAGE) et de l’enquête sur la licence AES réalisée par l’ARES en 2014. Fort belle initiative de cette Fédération, mais dommage que le nombre d’étudiants répondants ne soit pas indiqué et que l’enquête ait été effectuée au mois de mars, ne pouvant donc prendre ne compte les étudiants de L1 qui ont abandonné au cours du ou après les résultats du 1er semestre. Suite...

21 mai 2015

Developing and managing joint programmes: why and how?

By Caroline Duits. Have you encountered obstacles while setting up a joint programme? The practitioners’ guide Joint programmes from A to Z – filled with good practices, practical suggestions and references – aims to facilitate the process as the increase in the number of joint programmes is listed on the Bologna agenda. More...

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