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1 septembre 2013

Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo

 La Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo es una red de universidades públicas de la región sur de América Latina que trabaja desde el año 1991, fecha de su creación, por la integración y cooperación educativa regional, en defensa de la Educación Pública Superior considerada como un derecho humano universal y un bien público social. The link address is:

1 septembre 2013

Why are American universities shying away from the classics? . US colleges increasingly view anything published before 1990 as 'inaccessible' for students. So much for timeless themes. One summer when I was an undergrad, my college assigned The Pilgrim's Progress to all the students. It was, so to speak, a mandatory beach book, not for credit in any course, but meant to be the basis for a campus-wide discussion on the theme of "difficulty". Reading Bunyan's 1678 allegory of Christian's hike to the Celestial City was indeed an uphill challenge for us. That college assignment comes to mind as I've recently been looking at trends in similar summer assignments for college students.
Before they arrive on campus this fall, many American college freshmen will already have finished their first assignment. Their colleges have given them a "common reading", one book that they are all expected to read. Last year, 309 colleges made such assignments. It's a great tradition, but something curious has happened since my days as a college student. Only eight schools assigned anything published before 1990, and only four assigned books that could by any stretch be considered classics.
For American college students, 1990 appears to be a historical cliff beyond which it is rumored some books were once written, though no one is quite sure what. Why have US colleges decided that the best way to introduce their students to higher learning is through comic books, lite lit, and memoirs?
For the last three years I have been tracking what colleges do in this vein and reading their rationales. This week my organization published Beach Books: What Do Colleges and Universities Want Students to Read Outside Class? It documents the obsession with the present that has overtaken American higher education. Read more...

1 septembre 2013

Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC)

 The Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC) enhances the mutual understanding and cooperation in the North American community by fostering collaboration between institutions of higher education in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The link address is:

1 septembre 2013

Undocumented migrants in US gaining improved access to higher education in New York. Notre Dame and Loyola medical school are just some of the institutions working to improve conditions for undocumented applicants. While the US Congress struggles with passing immigration reform, many lawmakers and educators around the country are finding common ground on initiatives that improve undocumented students' access to higher education. Read more...

31 août 2013

Association of American Universities (AAU)

 The Association of American Universities is a nonprofit association of 61 U.S. and two Canadian preeminent public and private research universities. Founded in 1900, AAU focuses on national and institutional issues that are important to research-intensive universities, including funding for research, research and education policy, and graduate and undergraduate education. The link address is:

31 août 2013


 Columbus es una asociación sin fines de lucro, fundada por la Asociación Europea de Universidades (EUA) y la Asociación de Universidades Latinoamericanas (AULA). Hoy, reúne a 51 universidades miembros: 35 universidades latinoamericanas y 16 universidades europeas. Desde 1987, Columbus promueve la cooperación entre universidades de Europa y América Latina. Su consolidada red de instituciones de educación superior y de responsables de la gestión universitaria es un espacio donde los directivos pueden identificar e implementar estrategias institucionales para responder a nuevos desafíos. The link address is:

31 août 2013

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)

 The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is the voice of Canada's universities. They represent 95 Canadian public and private not-for-profit universities and university-degree level colleges. They have provided strong and effective representation for members, in Canada and abroad. Its mandate is to facilitate the development of public policy on higher education and to encourage cooperation among universities and governments, industry, communities, and institutions in other countries. The link address is:

31 août 2013

American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation (AAHEA)

 The American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation (AAHEA) is the oldest association in the United States dedicated to the advancement of higher education. Its mission is to be the organization that enables all individuals, institutions, and stakeholders in higher education to learn, organize for learning, and contribute to the common good. They provide accreditation to more than 20 disciplines for the common good of higher education. To bring the standards of education to a new high, to help all of mankind to be greater than once thought possible. The link address is:

31 août 2013

IIE helps promote U.S.-Brazil educational exchange: 300 U.S. companies host interns from Brazil Institute of International Education (IIE) announced in August that more than 300 companies across the United States are hosting summer internships for Brazilian students as part of the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program. This scholarship program, administered by IIE in the United States, is funded by the government of Brazil to strengthen science and technology skills and foster innovation and international cooperationin the country’s future workforce. Several leading U.S. corporations are supporting the program by offering scholarships and internships. The companies are providing students with practical experience in their fields, while also building relationships with the students, universities and future innovators in Brazil.
These students are among the approximately 1 500 Brazilian undergraduates who are studying at one of more than two hundred colleges and universities across the United States for one year prior to returning to Brazil to complete their degrees. Thirteen U.S. companies are hosting more than five interns each, including The Boeing Company and General Electric. The 300+ companies across the United States that are also hosting up to four interns each represent a wide range of businesses. Brazil Scientific Mobility Program

31 août 2013

Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES)

 La Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES) es una Asociación no gubernamental, de carácter plural, que agremia a las principales instituciones de educación superior de México, cuyo común denominador es su voluntad para promover su mejoramiento integral en los campos de la docencia, la investigación y la extensión de la cultura y los servicios. ANUIES está conformada por 152 universidades e instituciones de educación superior, tanto públicas como particulares de todo México.
The link address is:

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