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1 septembre 2013

Some Colleges’ Common Application Supplements Aren’t Yet Live Eric Hoover. The 21st-century teenager has come to expect instant gratification when clicking through cyberspace. So Isaiah Walker was surprised when he tried to apply to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor this month. After completing the Common Application online, Mr. Walker, a senior at Anchor Bay High School, in Michigan, went looking for the university’s supplement, only to find it was not yet live. As of this afternoon, it still wasn’t available, which means Mr. Walker must wait to submit an application to his first-choice college. More...

1 septembre 2013

Rising Debt Engulfs Colleges as Well as Students Don Troop. President Obama took aim last week at rising levels of student borrowing, but two graduate students in sociology say the real culprit for growing college debt is Wall Street. In a report posted last week on the Web site of the Scholars Strategy Network, Charlie Eaton and Jacob Habinek, doctoral candidates at the University of California at Berkeley, assert that the expanding burden of tuition debt is “partly driven by the indebtedness universities have taken on.” Public research universities have passed along their own debt to students by raising tuition and fees by an average of 56 percent from 2002 to 2010, say the authors, who work in the branch of sociology known as financialization.

1 septembre 2013

Modest Requests From a Pair of Job Seekers Anne-Marie Womack and Rebecca L. Harris. Both of us were on the job market in English a year before the Modern Language Association announced a partnership with Interfolio aimed at helping candidates defray the costs of job hunting. We had each applied for about 100 jobs and spent hundreds of dollars sending out application materials to departments. Our savings from the MLA's new effort would have amounted to $19, the cost of a now-waived Interfolio annual membership fee.  It's a good sign that the disciplinary societies want to help candidates streamline the process of finding an academic job, but meaningful change will occur only if we improve the procedures of hiring departments. Read more...

1 septembre 2013

Do what you love, the money will follow . When I was fresh out of university, a book that was making the rounds at the time was Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow. I can’t say I actually read the book, but I think that as a general principle, it’s not bad advice (unless what you love is to make really lots of money, which in that case you’ll probably do whatever it takes).
This brings me to the new report by CIBC World Markets, released on Monday. The report starts with a nice genuflection to the value of postsecondary education, saying it is “still the best route to a well-paying job in Canada.” But, it adds, this education premium “is dropping as too few students are graduating from programs that are in high demand.” More...

1 septembre 2013

Another Voice: Ratings system launches a new era for universities Eric Reich. On Thursday President Obama outlined a rating system for higher education that included sharing consumer data with students and parents, encouraging colleges and universities to drive down the cost of attendance through innovation and linking future federal financial aid to an institution’s performance. The president’s proposal is a necessary step, but for true reform to be realized, many more steps are needed, including increased clarity on the ratings themselves and greater stakeholder participation. Students and parents would benefit from transparency in the cost of education, number of low-income students each institution enrolls, graduation rates and average student debt loads. More...

1 septembre 2013

Ballmer, Microsoft and Higher Ed Joshua Kim. The announcement that Steve Ballmer will be stepping aside as the CEO of Microsoft has got me thinking about what the software company means to higher education.
I've been using Microsoft's software since my first year at college, (Washington University - 1987),  to this very day. Microsoft is deeply embedded in many of our higher ed lives.
What Microsoft software did you use today?
The irony of Microsoft when it comes to higher ed is that the company is at once ubiquitous and unseen. In higher ed, Microsoft remains important (even essential) but not influential. Read more...

1 septembre 2013

Peruvian Network of University Extension and Social Projection

 Under the Congress of University Extension and Social Projection, the committee of the Peruvian Network for Social Commitment was formed, presiding the Senior University of Sipán and including the Cesar Vallejo University of Trujillo; the Andean University of Cuzco; the University of San Marcos, the University of Alas Peruanas; the private university of Tacna and the Alcides Carrión University of Cerro de Pasco. This initiative was driven by the Academic Vice President of the USS, Alcibíades Sime Marques, who proposed the creation of a Network of Peru in order to coordinate efforts with different higher education institutes in favor of society and strategic alliances for the development of social engagement in the region. Among these potential networks were the Latin American Network of Learning - Service, CLAYSS and the Talloires Network.

1 septembre 2013

Leaner and Meaner Paul Fain. Round two of the battle over gainful employment regulations has begun.
One week after President Obama announced a sweeping plan to rate colleges on value, the U.S. Department of Education released draft standards for the employment outcomes of academic programs at for-profit institutions and community colleges. A group of department-selected negotiators will begin a rulemaking discussion on the standards on Sept. 9. Read more...

1 septembre 2013

American Council on Education (ACE)

 The ACE is USA´s most visible and influential higher education association. It represents the presidents of U.S. accredited, degree-granting institutions, which include two- and four-year colleges, private and public universities, and nonprofit and for-profit entities. The link address is:

1 septembre 2013

Brazil Scholarship Program Grows Elizabeth Redden. You may be hearing more Portuguese in the hallways on your campus this semester. More than 4,000 Brazilian undergraduates will be studying at universities in the United States this fall through the Brazil Scientific Mobility Undergraduate Program (formerly called Science Without Borders), a more than twofold increase over last fall. The scholarship program, launched by the Brazilian government in 2011, has quickly become an important source of international students -- and revenue -- for many American universities. Read more...

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