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21 février 2020

College Grads Sell Stakes in Themselves to Wall Street

College Grads Sell Stakes in Themselves to Wall Street
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. College Grads Sell Stakes in Themselves to Wall Street Claire Boston, Bloomberg, 2019/04/09This might seem like a really good idea - until you work through the consequences. The idea is that aspiring college students...
21 février 2020

Think tanks fill an important niche within Canada’s public policy landscape

Think tanks fill an important niche within Canada’s public policy landscape
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Think tanks fill an important niche within Canada’s public policy landscape Mark Cardwell, University Affairs, 2019/04/11I disagree with the sentiment expressed in the headline for two reasons. First, many of Canada's...
21 février 2020

The Attack on Canada’s Schools

The Attack on Canada’s Schools
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Attack on Canada’s Schools Grant Frost, frostededucation, 2020/01/28Canada has had for many years one of the best school systems in the world. This is not just opinion; it's a statement that is proven in test after...
20 février 2020

In Defense of Knowledge and Higher Education

In Defense of Knowledge and Higher Education
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. In Defense of Knowledge and Higher Education American Association of University Professors, 2020/01/20The Americal Asssociation of University Professors has published an interesting, if possibly controversial, statement...
17 février 2020

U.S. Appellate Court Enforces CC’s Interpretation of NonCommercial

U.S. Appellate Court Enforces CC’s Interpretation of NonCommercial
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. U.S. Appellate Court Enforces CC’s Interpretation of NonCommercial Diane Peters, Creative Commons, 2020/01/08This seems reasonable to me. A U.S. court has decided to allow "bona fide noncommercial reusers to hire out...
14 février 2020

American Students and Science

American Students and Science
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. American Students and Science In the local bookstore - Chapters - in the science section, as of yesterday (when I checked) there were more titles containing the word 'God' in the science section than anything else. This...
14 février 2020

Medellin, Colombia

Medellin, Colombia
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Medellin, Colombia Photos from Medellin are now available, as well as photos from EduCamp Colombia and my stopover in New York. Enjoy.I'm still running behind in my coverage and may add an extra issue over the weekend...
7 février 2020

OLPC Education Project Should Take an Opportunity to Learn

OLPC Education Project Should Take an Opportunity to Learn
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. OLPC Education Project Should Take an Opportunity to Learn The Wall Street Journal, in its usual style, has posted a less-than-kind assessment of the One Laptop Per Child project and its founder (summary; see also how...
3 février 2020

Government Study: Americans Reading Less

Government Study: Americans Reading Less
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Government Study: Americans Reading Less So there is a new study (Full PDF, Executive Summary) that has just been released from the (American) National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) saying that children are no longer...
3 février 2020

American (Perhaps North American) Kids Are Not Even Close

American (Perhaps North American) Kids Are Not Even Close
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. American (Perhaps North American) Kids Are Not Even Close SETDA and ISTE have released a report outlining what they thing students should learn and how technology should help them learn it (they say it's "a shared vision...
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