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24 mars 2017

Terrorist attack in London

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""I strongly condemn the terrorist attack which has taken place at the heart of London. The democratic institutions of the United Kingdom were clearly targeted. More...

1 février 2017

Strong progress on preventing terrorism

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The report, ‘Implementation of the Prevent duty in the higher education sector in England: 2015-16’ (HEFCE 2017/01), shows that more than four-fifths of higher education providers (84 per cent) have put robust policies and processes in place in response to the duty [Note 2]. These findings draw on HEFCE’s assessment of evidence submitted by 321 providers between April and August 2016. This covers a wide range of providers, including HEFCE-funded providers, alternative providers, and the autonomous colleges, schools and halls of Oxford, Cambridge and Durham. More...

31 janvier 2017

Terrorist attack in Jerusalem, Israel

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Statement by Secretary General Jagland: "After a series of terrorist strikes in Europe, now Israel has suffered an attack with a truck deliberately being driven into a group of people, which seems to be the latest cruel method in the arsenal of extremist killers". More...

4 janvier 2017

New Year’s Eve terrorist attack in Istanbul

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Statement by the Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Ioannis Kasoulides, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cyprus. More...

23 décembre 2016

Recent terrorist attacks in Europe

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""“I am deeply shocked by the terrorist attacks that took place in Turkey last Saturday and in Berlin and Zurich yesterday as well as by the assassination of Andreï Karlov, Russian Ambassador to Turkey.
I express my sincere condolences to the families of the victims and my sympathy to those injured. The Council of Europe stands by the authorities of our four member States in these tragic circumstances. More...

23 décembre 2016

National human rights structures: protecting human rights while countering terrorism

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""“A series of terrorist attacks has deeply traumatised Europe. In Brussels, Paris, Copenhagen, Ankara and beyond, shock was followed by fear of further attacks and a sense of urgency about preventing them”, says Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, in his latest Human Rights Comment published today. More...

18 décembre 2016

Instructor tells students election was an ‘act of terrorism’

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Like many Americans, Olga Perez Stable Cox has strong feelings about the outcome of this year’s presidential election. More...

9 décembre 2016

Toulouse planche contre le terrorisme

ActualitésPresque un an après les attentats du 13 novembre à Paris, des chercheurs toulousains ont planché sur les attentats, les moyens de les prévenir et leurs conséquences pour notre société. Répondant à un appel à projet intitulé «Attentats recherche», lancé par Alain Fuchs, président du CNRS (Centre national de recherche scientifique) au lendemain du drame du Bataclan, onze équipes de scientifiques toulousains et régionaux ont répondu à l'appel national et proposé des thèmes de recherche sur le terrorisme. Voir l'article...

5 décembre 2016

'Too soon' to tell if terrorism link to university attack

Officials said it is “too soon” to determine whether the attack at Ohio State University on 28 November, in which 11 people were injured, had any connection to terrorism, writes Ciara McCarthy for the Guardian. Read more...

26 novembre 2016

Un an après : comment parler des attentats aux plus jeunes ?

The ConversationPar . Les élections aux USA n’ont pas grand chose en commun avec les événements terroristes à Paris, et pourtant… ils laissent sans voix, sidérés. Et l’on se demande comment parler aux jeunes générations de la société qui se dessine pour leur avenir. Voir l'article...
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