Ivy Tech Community College helps students tackle workforce readiness and soft skills with technology. More...
Can student coaching help higher ed improve retention rates?
Many higher-ed student success initiatives focus on at-risk students. Loyola University New Orleans, however, has flipped this script by giving every first-year student personalized coaching—and it’s working: The percentage of students who return for their second year is now at an all-time high. More...
5G Status Update and Primer
5G is an investment for the next decade, and in previous mobile transitions, we’ve seen most of the big changes happening years after the first announcement. Take 4G, for instance. The first 4G phones in the US appeared in 2010. But the sorts of 4G applications that changed our world didn’t appear until later. More...
This technology can help higher ed address students’ mental health
Online therapy platforms can help colleges offer mental-health services to students. In 2018, the American Psychological Association found that more than one-third of first-year university students in eight countries reported symptoms consistent with a diagnosable mental health disorder. More...
How Cognitive Computing Can Make You a Better Teacher
Cognitive computing is the end of one-size-fits-all education. The technology will make possible this declaration by Ignacio Estrada: If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way the child learns. More...
How Technological Singularity will Change Schools
John von Neumann was the first to see it coming: eventually, the capacity of machine intelligence would surpass that of the human race. His work with algorithms and quantum mechanics opened the door for exponential growth in computers. More...
How voice-first technology can be used in online learning
The elearning, or online learning industry is experiencing a boom and is projected to be a $200B industry by 2024. At the same time, the world is awakening to the power of voice-first technology. More...
Découvrez de nouvelles pratiques d’enseignement grâce à la réalité virtuelle !
Le MOOC « Réalité Virtuelle et pratiques pédagogiques innovantes” a pour but de montrer comment utiliser et intégrer la réalité virtuelle dans un cursus pédagogique. Plus...
RSS Readers: Narrowing Down Your Choices
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. RSS Readers: Narrowing Down Your Choices
Some good analysis giving us a good look at the use of different RSS aggregators. The results are based on FeedBurner's 1,000 largest-circulation feeds, with the impact of Yahoo default feeds removed. More...
LiveJournal Founder Launches OpenID System
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. LiveJournal Founder Launches OpenID System
Report on Slashdot plus commentary about the launch of a working model of the OpenID system, an "actually distributed identity system for websites that accept user comments," created at LiveJournal. More...