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21 février 2020

In which I finally stop using Patreon

In which I finally stop using Patreon
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. In which I finally stop using Patreon Fluffy, Plaidophile, 2019/04/15The title refers to the author (someone called 'Fluffy'), not me - I considered but never did use Patreon. I was about to, but their misstep a year...
21 février 2020

A Blockchain Enhanced Framework for Social Networking

A Blockchain Enhanced Framework for Social Networking
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Blockchain Enhanced Framework for Social Networking Renita M. Murimi, Ledger, 2019/04/09This paper (15 page PDF) proposes "a framework for secure, trustworthy social networking that also creates value for user-generated...
21 février 2020

Content Getting a New Personalized Voice, Image

Content Getting a New Personalized Voice, Image
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Content Getting a New Personalized Voice, Image Miles Weston, Digital Producer Magazine, 2019/04/08I've had a podcast for many years - here it is. It's not a nice neat podcast with weekly episodes and such - that's far...
21 février 2020

The Answer for Schools Is Not More Technology. It’s Teachers and Human Connection.

The Answer for Schools Is Not More Technology. It’s Teachers and Human Connection.
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Answer for Schools Is Not More Technology. It’s Teachers and Human Connection. Danielle Arnold-Schwartz, EdSurge, 2019/12/26This item hits all the right buttons but it's fundamentally wrong. Yes, business-minded...
21 février 2020

The Stories We Were Told about Education Technology (2019)

The Stories We Were Told about Education Technology (2019)
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Stories We Were Told about Education Technology (2019) Audrey Watters, Hack Education, 2019/12/25Audrey Watters has amassed an impressive list of ed tech failures of one sort or another for the year and comments,...
21 février 2020

Mojo Vision’s AR Contact Lenses for your Eyes

Mojo Vision’s AR Contact Lenses for your Eyes
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mojo Vision’s AR Contact Lenses for your Eyes Emory Craig, Digital Bodies, 2020/01/22This is another item to put under the heading of 'future technology'. Not because it's impossible - the proofs of concept are already...
21 février 2020

Deep learning 3: teaching to develop students’ mental models – responsive teaching update

Deep learning 3: teaching to develop students’ mental models – responsive teaching update
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Deep learning 3: teaching to develop students’ mental models – responsive teaching update Harry Fletcher-Wood, Improving Teaching, 2020/01/22The focus of this article is on ways to help students develop mental models....
20 février 2020

How I write backends

How I write backends
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How I write backends Federico Pereiro, GitHub, 2020/01/23This is a good reference document for myself as I begin to think about how I want to write the next generation gRSShopper. It outlines a basic startup server configuration...
20 février 2020

Samsung’s Neon Project – Artificial Humans or Chatbots?

Samsung’s Neon Project – Artificial Humans or Chatbots?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Samsung’s Neon Project – Artificial Humans or Chatbots? Emory Craig, Digital Bodies, 2020/01/15Though “fictionalized and simulated for illustrative purposes only”, products like Samsung’s Neon are being called ‘artificial...
20 février 2020

New year, new browser – The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download

New year, new browser – The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. New year, new browser – The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download Joe Belfiore, Microsoft Windows Blogs, 2020/01/15The new Microsoft Edge browser - the first built on the Chromium browser...
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