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3 février 2020

Les politiques d’emploi en Nouvelle-Aquitaine en 2018 - Panorama physique et financier

Les politiques d’emploi en Nouvelle-Aquitaine en 2018 - Panorama physique et financier
Ce bilan régional comptabilise l’ensemble des subventions et allocations versées par l’État en faveur de l’emploi au 31/12/2018 telles qu’elles sont enregistrées dans les comptes de la Direccte Nouvelle-Aquitaine et de Pôle Emploi Nouvelle-Aquitaine....
27 janvier 2020

Politique industrielle : l'heure des choix a sonné

Politique industrielle : l'heure des choix a sonné
Idées & Débats Fortement intégrée dans des chaînes de valeurs mondiales, l'industrie française est tributaire d'un contexte international marqué par une instabilité croissante. Plus...
26 janvier 2020

La structuration d’une politique handicap au programme du club des correspondants handicap de Nouvelle-Aquitaine

La structuration d’une politique handicap au programme du club des correspondants handicap de Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Le Handi-Pacte Nouvelle Aquitaine, dispositif territorial du FIPHFP, a réuni, mardi 21 janvier, une quarantaine de correspondants handicap, à Poitiers autour de la thématique : « Structurer sa politique handicap ». Favoriser l’insertion professionnelle...
17 janvier 2020

So did students have any impact on the election?

So did students have any impact on the election?
Many people thought students could boost the election results for Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party. Over time, as the proper academic studies of the election drip out, we will come to know for certain if that happened or not. More...
17 janvier 2020

What is the future for university representation under the Conservatives?

What is the future for university representation under the Conservatives?
As many UK universities are based in our cities this can have a skewed representation when it comes to higher education matters in the House of Commons. As has been discussed by HEPI on previous occasions, if a politician has a university in their constituency...
17 janvier 2020

Last-minute election musings

Last-minute election musings
Many of the original expectations about it – such as the idea that the vote would be almost solely about Brexit or that the parties would eschew the leader-centric campaigning that didn’t work for Theresa May or that smaller parties would benefit from...
17 janvier 2020

HEPI Election Resources

HEPI Election Resources
With the polls opening in just over 24 hours, we saw it fit to draw together all our content from the last six weeks related to the race for No. 10. More...
17 janvier 2020

What are the smaller parties promising for higher and further education in their manifestos?

What are the smaller parties promising for higher and further education in their manifestos?
Having covered the manifesto commitments of the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats previously, we decided to the same for the smaller and non UK-wide parties. More...
17 janvier 2020

Why do so many academics struggle to understand the politics of modern Britain?

Why do so many academics struggle to understand the politics of modern Britain?
Two years ago, I wrote about the apparent inability of academics – not least political studies experts – to predict election results: in a Political Studies Association survey in 2016, almost 9 out of 10 predicted a Remain victory. More...
13 janvier 2020

Against the Right Wing

Against the Right Wing
In the last month and a half, I woke up in the morning almost every day to receive terrible news arriving from India that ranged from state-sponsored police brutality on students at Jamia Milia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University to passing of a law...
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