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19 avril 2017

Promoting student electoral registration

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The Government is taking forward a number of initiatives to meet its goal of creating ‘a democracy that works for everyone’. HEFCE has been invited to assist the Government in achieving this goal by encouraging higher education providers in their efforts to improve student registration levels further, including through sharing of good practice. More...

18 avril 2017

Venice Commission international conference in Bucharest: “Interaction between political majority and opposition in a democracy”

The European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), in co-operation with the Presidential Administration of Romania and with the support of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, will provide a forum to address these questions at the international conference: “The interaction between the political majority and the opposition in a democracy” (6‑7 April, Bucharest, Sala Unirii, Cotroceni Presidential Palace). More...

15 avril 2017

Politicians on college campuses

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. Colleges may already prepare extensively for VIPs, but a deeper level of cross-campus coordination can ensure a smooth visit even when protests or other disruptions occur. More...

14 avril 2017

Politique d’égalité, lutte contre les discriminations et de promotion de la diversité du 3 avril 2017 relative à la mise en œuvre de la politique d’égalité, de lutte contre les discriminations et de promotion de la diversité dans la fonction publique

Résumé : La présente circulaire a pour objet de faciliter la mise en œuvre de la politique de promotion de l’égalité, de la diversité et de lutte contre les discriminations dans la fonction publique.

Elle précise les nouveaux engagements pris par le Gouvernement destinés, pour ce qui concerne la fonction publique, à assurer une égalité effective entre les agents publics, à promouvoir la diversité et à lutter contre tous les risques de discrimination.

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9 avril 2017

Moralisation de la vie politique : une exigence partagée

Par Institut Montaigne. Malgré ces différentes mesures, la France n’occupe que la 23e place du classement établi par Transparency International sur la perception de la corruption de 2016, loin derrière le Danemark, l’Allemagne, le Royaume-Uni ou la Suisse. Pour inverser cette tendance, et dans un contexte marqué par différentes affaires judiciaires, certains candidats à l’élection présidentielle formulent des propositions pour renforcer et poursuivre les réformes entamées en 2013. Voir l'article...

25 mars 2017

PPL changes likely to sink in Senate (Advocate 24 01)

By Terri Macdonald. The Federal Government thought it was being strategically clever in combining childcare payment reform with a range of savings in family and other payments – including the Government’s paid parental leave (PPL) – in a massive Omnibus Bill, the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Omnibus And Child Care Reform) Bill 2017. More...

25 mars 2017

Labor calls Govt on HE cuts in Parliament

By Jen T. Kwok. On Monday, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Education, Tanya Plibersek put a private motionon higher education to the House of Representatives, calling for the Coalition Government to:

  • announce their plans for higher education funding and fees;
  • rule out significant fee increases;
  • abandon their 20% to university grants. More...
19 mars 2017

The Politics of Higher Education Policies. Unravelling the Multi-level, Multi-actor, and Multi-issue dynamics

By Hedda. In this thematic issue of Policy and Society (all contributions are openly accessible), we highlight the multi-level, multi-actor, and multi-issue (the ‘multi-s’) nature of public policy using the case of higher education policies. See more...

18 mars 2017

Thabo Mbeki calls for a ‘rebirth’. Is South Africa up to the task?

The ConversationBy . The appointment of former South African president Thabo Mbeki as Chancellor of one of the country’s largest tertiary institutions, the University of South Africa (UNISA), comes at a unique moment in the country. More...

13 mars 2017

12-Hour Commute to Class With Noam Chomsky

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Noam Chomsky, the noted linguist and political thinker who teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is this semester co-teaching a course on politics at the University of Arizona. Read more...

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