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21 février 2020

We Can’t Handle What the Internet Has Done to Us

We Can’t Handle What the Internet Has Done to Us
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. We Can’t Handle What the Internet Has Done to Us Jules Evans, OneZero, 2019/12/24The funny thing, for me, is that I'm actually comfortable with all this chaos. The whole internet thing doesn't bother me. Why not? Here's...
14 février 2020

The Old Internet Died And We Watched And Did Nothing

The Old Internet Died And We Watched And Did Nothing
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Old Internet Died And We Watched And Did Nothing Katie Notopoulos, BuzzFeed.News, 2020/01/02In 1998 I was posting on discussion boards (like the old HotWired Threads) and on mailing lists (like WWW-Dev) and seen...
5 février 2020

Le recours à Internet améliore-t-il les procédures de recrutement des entreprises ?

Le recours à Internet améliore-t-il les procédures de recrutement des entreprises ?
Le développement d’Internet a considérablement modifié le fonctionnement du marché du travail et notamment la manière dont les employeurs et les candidats se rencontrent. Cette étude vise à mesurer l’effet d’Internet sur le processus de recrutement des...
31 janvier 2020

How the Internet On Cable Became the Internet As Cable

How the Internet On Cable Became the Internet As Cable
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How the Internet On Cable Became the Internet As Cable With the launch of YouTube in Canada, featuring the CBC (television) and CFL (football), and the launch of the USC Channel, it is worth pausing for a moment to reflect...
31 janvier 2020

A Folk History of the Internet

A Folk History of the Internet
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Folk History of the Internet I have landed in the Apocalypse, also known as Orange County, a place that is today full of smoke and fire and brimstone, wailing winds and howling banshees. I'm working on a video for...
31 janvier 2020

Old News Item On This New Thing Called Internet

Old News Item On This New Thing Called Internet
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Old News Item On This New Thing Called Internet George Siemens sent me this link to an old CBC video about this brand new thing called 'the Internet', now being used by 15 million people. (As an aside, I'm finding that...
28 décembre 2019

Internet des objets : « On est sortis de l’ère de la débrouille »

Internet des objets : « On est sortis de l’ère de la débrouille »
Ville intelligente, industrie du futur, cybersécurité, intelligence artificielle… Le CITC (Centre d’innovation des technologies sans contact) organisait en région une semaine dédiée à l’Internet des objets et à l’innovation. Plus...
8 décembre 2019

New public policies for the Internet – 2019 IGF in Berlin

New public policies for the Internet – 2019 IGF in Berlin
What are the risks of discrimination created by the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? What access to data across borders do law enforcement need in order to fight cybercrime? How can privacy be protected in digital platforms? How do we rise to the...
24 novembre 2019

Russia Is About to Disconnect From the Internet: What That Means

Russia Is About to Disconnect From the Internet: What That Means
On Nov. 1, Russia is poised to disconnect from the internet—in theory. That is when a long-planned internet bill will go into effect and lay the foundation for a national network whereby internet service providers are controlled by Roskomnadzor, Russia’s...
24 novembre 2019

Broadband adoption is on the rise, but states can do much more

Broadband adoption is on the rise, but states can do much more
Broadband, which enables high-speed internet access, is essential infrastructure in our digital age. However, with 19 million disconnected households across the country, it is impossible to capitalize on broadband’s full economic and social impacts....
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