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21 février 2020

Tech Company Drops Conference Swag in Favor of 13,000 School Donations

Tech Company Drops Conference Swag in Favor of 13,000 School Donations
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Tech Company Drops Conference Swag in Favor of 13,000 School Donations Emily Tate, EdSurge, 2019/04/10So OK, I'm glad a tech company donated 13,746 pieces of conference swag to local schools instead of to conference...
20 février 2020

Black Wednesday

Black Wednesday
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Black Wednesday Alex Usher, Higher Education Strategy Associates, 2020/01/13I don't like commenting on world events on this blog because I would imagine most people hear enough about them from other sources. However,...
17 février 2020

Is there an international market for Canadian online learning?

Is there an international market for Canadian online learning?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Is there an international market for Canadian online learning? Tony Bates, Online learning and distance education resources, 2020/01/07"The most recent national survey of Canadian post-secondary institutions," writes...
4 février 2020

Coronavirus - Faire face à la pandémie

Coronavirus - Faire face à la pandémie
Origine, vitesse de diffusion (Ro), nombre réel de malades, taux de mortalité : beaucoup de choses restent inconnues ou imprécises concernant le coronavirus qui vient de dépasser en Chine l’ampleur officielle de l’épidémie du syndrome respiratoire aigu...
4 février 2020

L’Iran et son programme nucléaire – les Européens tentent une nouvelle tactique

L’Iran et son programme nucléaire – les Européens tentent une nouvelle tactique
Dans un communiqué commun, les ministres des Affaires étrangères des "E3" (Allemagne, France, Grande-Bretagne) ont annoncé, le 14 janvier, qu’ils souhaitaient mettre en œuvre le "mécanisme de règlement des différends" prévu par l’article 36 de l’accord...
2 février 2020

UNESCO learning cities around the world celebrate International Day of Education 2020

UNESCO learning cities around the world celebrate International Day of Education 2020
On International Day of Education, 24 January 2020, the right to education will be celebrated around the world. UNESCO learning cities from all regions will join in by celebrating the joy of learning and by showing how learning can empower people, preserve...
2 février 2020

UNESCO Learning City of Mayo-Baléo improves living conditions through education

UNESCO Learning City of Mayo-Baléo improves living conditions through education
Poverty, the availability of educational facilities, health and sanitary infrastructure, as well as basic infrastructure to support the local economy, are severe challenges in the UNESCO Learning City of Mayo-Baléo, located in the department of Faro-et-Déo...
30 janvier 2020

Third of non-EU university students in UK come from China

Third of non-EU university students in UK come from China
More than 120,000 Chinese students enrolled at British universities in 2018-19. More...
28 janvier 2020

China Imprisons Minnesota Student for Tweets

China Imprisons Minnesota Student for Tweets
By Elizabeth Redden . A student at the University of Minnesota was sentenced to six months in prison in China for tweets he posted while he was studying in the U.S., Axios reported. More...
28 janvier 2020

Another Confucius Institute Closes

Another Confucius Institute Closes
By Elizabeth Redden . University of Missouri closed its institute after the State Department found fault with the institution's visa practices. About two dozen American universities have closed the Chinese government-funded centers over the past two years....
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