By Ben Yagoda. The Quote of the Day in The New York Times on Wednesday came from President Obama, who said in Stockholm, “I didn’t set a red line. The world set a red line.”
Oy, red lines again. More...
The Most (And Least) Lucrative College Majors, In 1 Graph
By Lisa Chow. Erin Ford graduated from the University of Texas two years ago with a bachelor's degree in petroleum engineering. Recruiters came to campus to woo her. She got a paid summer internship, which turned into a full-time job after she graduated.
Now, at age 24, she makes $110,000 a year. Michael Gardner just graduated from City College in New York with a degree in psychology. He applied for more than 100 jobs, had trouble getting interviews and worked at Home Depot to make ends meet.
"Every single day while I was at work, I'm thinking, 'I just hope I really don't get stuck.' " Gardner just got a job earning $36,000 a year as a case worker — and he feels lucky to have it. Read more...
Blurred Red Lines
2 Texas Colleges Will Offer Competency-Based Hybrid Degree
By Hannah Winston. Texas A&M University at Commerce and South Texas College said Thursday that they are working with Pearson Education to open a competency-based, affordable hybrid degree for Texas students by next spring. The Texas Affordable Baccalaureate Program is set to offer a 90-credit-hour online program that relies on a competency-based curriculum, according to a news release. Students will earn a degree in organizational leadership. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the nonprofit College for All Texans Foundation have joined to oversee the project. More...
‘Responsible Investing’ Is No Passing Fad, Report Says
By Don Troop. The landscape is changing for so-called responsible investing, and governing boards must adjust their strategies accordingly to gain a competitive advantage, according to a new report from the Commonfund Institute.
“Responsible investing” is the collective term given to three major categories of investing: socially responsible investing, or SRI; environmental, social, and governance investing, or ESG; and mission-related or impact investing. The combined responsible-investing market was worth some $3.74-trillion last year, an 11.2-percent share of the $33.3-trillion in total assets under management in the United States. More...
How to differentiate universities, that is the question
By Gavin Moodie. Ontario has been considering whether and how to differentiate its universities since 2010 when its deputy minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities, Deborah Newman, commissioned a study, The benefits of greater differentiation of Ontario’s university sector from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. HEQCO’s most recent contribution, A data set to inform the differentiation discussion, released in July, is both helpful and unhelpful in advancing the discussion. While it is an example of differentiation informed by data, it ignores its own admonition in its report three years ago by grouping Ontario universities on only one dimension, research intensity. More...
Teachers’, public employees’ unions merge
The merger of the North Dakota Education Association and the North Dakota Public Employees Association gives the combined union more than 10,000 members, making it larger than all of the others in the state combined. Despite their agreement to go it together Friday, the two groups haven’t always been in lockstep. More...
Va. higher education economic study released
By Matt Zalaznick. Every $1 that Virginia spends on higher education results in $1.29 in new tax revenue and more than $17 in increased economic activity, according to a University of Virginia report released Thursday. The report by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service details the economic impact of the state’s public higher education system, which consists of 15 four-year institutions, one junior college and 23 community colleges. More...
Teaching graduates fail national competency test

“The results are alarming…extremely worrying,” said Education Minister Carolina Schmidt. More...