20 décembre 2012
Transforming African Higher Education for Graduate Employability and Socio-Economic Development

Call for Papers has been extended to 21st December 2012.
Transforming African Higher Education for Graduate Employability and Socio-Economic Development
The 13th General Conference of the Association of African Universities (AAU) will be held in Libreville, Gabon on May 28 - 31, 2013, at the invitation of Université Omar Bongo, Libreville, Gabon. The General Theme of the Conference is Transforming African Higher Education for Graduate Employability and Socio-Economic Development. Under this general theme, the following sub-themes will be covered:
1. Socio-Political Environment and Employability
2. Graduate Employability
3. Connect Between Higher Education and the Productive Sector
4. The Role of the Organised Private Sector
5. Funding Issues
The Concept Paper (http://www.aau.org/sites/default/files/gc11/concept_note_en.pdf) gives a background to the theme and sub-themes and a lively, well-informed and policy-rich discussion is anticipated. To that end, authors are invited to submit papers on the general theme and sub-themes.
Abstracts indicating the scope, nature and approach of proposed papers, and not exceeding two pages, must reach the Secretariat not later than Friday 21st December, 2012. Authors of selected abstracts would be contacted by Tuesday 15th January, 2013 for development of their papers and additional information about the Conference.
Please send abstracts and address any enquiries to:
The Secretary-General
Association of African Universities
P.O. Box AN 5744, Accra, GHANA
Email: secgen@aau.org
cc: barry@aau.org, phoba@aau.org
Tel: (233-302) 774495/761588
Fax: (233-302) 774821